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Everything posted by ElseSomeone

  1. And also change memory type to became friend when arrived by link trade
  2. Yesn wait a minute Edit : Garchomp ID : 1244 WC ID : 17 Garchomp ID 1154 WC ID : 11 Houndoom ID : 7064 WC ID : 1013 Aggron ID : 7064 WC ID : 1014 Pinsir ID : 7054 WC ID : 1012 Charizard (X and Y) ID : 4114 WC ID : 1004 For some events underlined, I have also the wondercards, without wc6 editor editing, Fancy Vivillon french male and Female Shiny gengar italia
  3. If you want I have the informations for most of the events missing in these events
  4. Wondercard Title : 신속 직구리 선물 Wondercard Text : Download : https://1fichier.com/?qblih4j1x6
  5. Extreme Speed Linoone is distributed on Korean Cartridges using the shared serial code WCSK2015 if interested
  6. I've check it, she's legal but mark used. Edit : Okay, here is the unused one for Icicle Arceus : http://up.levert.ch/4ab8f5-IcicleArceus.wc6
  7. Ah yes that's right, I have not pay attention to that... Edit : Fairy Plate Arceus : https://1fichier.com/?9vojd0k7xm Oh and I think that it can't be Jolly and other natures, in more than 150 resets, no Jolly arceus
  8. I have only removed my OT in Latest Hander, it come from a legal wondercard
  9. There is no icon for the other forms of Arceus, I think that it's the reason, not sure..
  10. No sorry, use the pkx that I've contribute if you really want the shiny one
  11. I have it, I just wait to release it, like for the fairy one..
  12. Okay so as the insect one that I have is already contributed, I give all the informations of him : Wondercard Title : アルセウス プレゼント Wondercard Text : ことしの ポケモンえいがに とうじょうする アルセウスを プレゼント! もっている どうぐによって タイプが ちがうぞ! Reception Proof : I've compared this wondercard with mine, the only thing that change is the reception date. This informations are available for all the Arceus's Wondercard
  13. Okay, that's fine, I've checked them.... All the wondercards are the same, there is just the item that change.. But I think that the event is just released, and it's better to contribute them later as they are rare at this time... But not for a long time because of that, that's why I've keep mine for later, plus, there is arceus sellers on ebay, so this will contribute to they earn money... And also, you really think that lurkers will hear you ?
  14. This is a shared arceus and it will probably be traded to around 1000 persons so...
  15. Look at the previous post lol
  16. https://1fichier.com/?ttuc9e0wdh Free Shiny Arceus. Latest Handler in OT/MISC of PkHeX is removed, you have to put yours.
  17. Someone want a legal arceus shiny pkx ?
  18. I got a shiny Arceus wondercard
  19. I've tryed to crack it using à tool but it don't work, googled that maybe you will do it successfully
  20. Ha okay, good to know, but how is possible, how can we get the 19 same Arceus, I don't think that it's possible right ? Or you've study a wondercard no say that ?
  21. I've used a code, will try if they're not single used, I don't know
  22. If you found that, give me the pkx file, I can give you this by trade
  23. That the ID is not registered in the savegame, that mean you can receive the all 19 Arceus... I wonder if I change the held item of the wondercard it give another event arceus because the SID is the same
  24. Just a question, from some weeks, there is someone else without me that contribute wondercards ? I want the other's wondercards too
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