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Everything posted by ElseSomeone

  1. Ah nice, and could you contribute the card please ?
  2. If it's the same as last year with mamoswine, yes, but we don't know right now, and in all case if the language is in deutch, he can still keep the card ^^
  3. If you can in french it would be good (and if you can take pictures of the place to show us how the wcs looks, it would be better !) Why the wcs don't happend in Paris... hm
  4. Hm I prefere waiting someone contribute the good card, thanks
  5. My source is a game buy on ebay lol, but they are release on a single day, so they may be clean, since there is no dat available.. For Pinsir/Heracross, there is a difference, the wondercard title that are : A super-tough Pinsir! English ¡Un Pinsir muy duro de pelar! Spanish Un Scarabrute super fort ! French Same for heracross
  6. I've a lot of files so I will check all my stuff, anyway, i've pmed you the WCS14K events (Pokémon X) Anyway, no one has the french and spanish heracross and pinsir distributed in USA/Canada ?
  7. the fact is that this card has been contributed, but I should have un-watermarked her properly, I don't know... (but i've say that with the contribution if I remember well) I probably have a backup of the ram2sav for the first use, I will check tomorrow, until now, as I am not sure that this one is clean, she can be removed I think. (what a weird idea to put watermarked ._.). anyway, I can send the .zip of the korean wondercards I have (there is all the WCS14K event distributed in pokémon X) - If someone can check if they are legal, I can send that by pm before
  8. I see... we can still put 3A instead of 2A to make her legit back (if she has been legit one day)... (can you send me the link to the announcement topic) ? Plus, I have now a doubt with my wobbufet wondercard, since she was pass over wc6 editor to mark her unused, and unwatermaked manually, (because i've inject her back to my game after knowing they are watermarked), I can't be sure she's clean anymore with the 3A byte that don't show up in the editor. But this card was legal before that, so if it's just this byte, you can change it without problems [sorry if my english is a bit jumbled up, I am not very good in explanation]
  9. Since I have not redeem it by myself it's clearly an uncertain event, maybe it can be in the powersave list or something like that, or simply delete. if someone get the Daegu Store Pachirisu, it will be possible to check but as far as we know, no one here has it Edit : I've reception pictures for this garchomp, if someone can put his game language in korean and compare, here they are :
  10. It's my bad in fact, I've type 9.4 instead of 1.4, I don't know why, because I suppose that's the reason
  11. You don't understand, I am in 9.2, with the 1.4 update for ORAS. I have the 9.2 browser (obviously). The browser work with the 1.2 version, he don't work with the 1.4 version. I am asking for a update of ram2sav to use it with the last game update.
  12. Hum your quotes are talking about using this in 9.5-23... @SciresM Please, are you able to update ram2sav to use it in 9.4 (as I am still with the 9.2 browser?)
  13. I have the browser 9.2 and pokémon oras in 1.4, rsavout.bin work but give me a blank ramsav.bin. If I try with the 1.2 oras update it perfectly work, why ? The 1.4 update don't allow this maybe?
  14. Ha ? I will try again maybe forgotten to delete cookies. But if your linoone WCS has the 3A value, this mean 0x50 change depending on the game language
  15. I have buy most of my cartridge after the release of ram2sav, so the hack chance are highly possible, the only thing that make us sure is redeem our own serial codes Plus, anyone as informations about the 1.4 update of AS ? Ram2Sav, Pcout etc, they don't work with this version even if the browser is outdated, switch the sdcard to get the datas is borring...
  16. Mine do not have 3A in value (WCS linoone), it probably depend on the receiving language, maybe that's the same for other events, idk. Ok so I remove the garchomp wondercard if it's a hacked one, thanks. Edit : I can redeem again any PAL codes and contribute them, later for the other one
  17. For Linoone, that's not 3A, I've redeem it by myself and he don't have this. But the game was set in french so I don't know, but the ID is not 3A. Edit : you talk about the jump festa one ?
  18. This is not 3A for Linoone. And this card is extract from a buyed game, so can be edited as we've already seen in previous post from japanese cartridge for example
  19. No, 3A is the wrong id for this wondercard, the good one is 2A, same for the WCS14K event (that's why the powersave one do not have their description) Anyway, if you want, try manually to put 2A instead of 3A and look in game. And yeah theSLAYER, I've send this wondercard few months ago but the link was broken so I've remove it. That's this card [Link removed - Can't be sure about the legality] she was in my korean Pokémon X cartridge with the WCS14K pokemon
  20. i don't know, it was ripped from a used cartridge, what's wrong on? I don't see anything suspect even in hexadecimal Anyway :
  21. That's not the distribution text but the download type text Anyway, big thanks (anyway, Inkay PCTB's wondercard is on a savegame of a game that i've buy, I share or not, not powersaved date?)
  22. The German one? That the same, the only thing that change is that if the language is different, the OT change, but that's all
  23. ha ok, es sólo la fecha de recepción que cambio
  24. The first page is not update, but yes the WHF15 rayquaza wondercard is real, no problems for that No puede comprender. ? Puedes repetir en español ?
  25. Okay, after spring holidays, I will be able to redeem again any region 3ds serial codes. (and please don't ask anything during the next week because I won't be at home)
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