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Everything posted by ElseSomeone

  1. Oh and btw, here is it (Hoopa Harry, France) : https://1fichier.com/?6w1oo373tm And for information, the codes will be distributed from the 2nd November in France.
  2. C'est pas comme si je l'avais pas upload à la page précédente...
  3. Galileo is the guy who has firstly demontrated that the Earth was round and no in square. (And then he has denied to save is life, and this has been demonstrated later in the history, but that's another story). In all case, that's why rayquaza get this OT. Harry is Harry Potter, a wizard, and halloween is in two days, so wizard, halloween... Manesh an annual indian fair, for a reason of divinity or something like that if i'm correct
  4. The german codes are rares ? Weird, in france if you ask for them, they directly ask you "how many you want ?". If I get a good amount of Hoopa Harry, I will giveaway for those who can't get them.
  5. Oh, this is distributed in germany ? It will be distributed in france at the Paris Games Week for those who want the code.
  6. To be uploaded : http://imgur.com/If149k0 Will do it tomorrow or something like that. Wondercard Title : Ouah ! C'est Hoopa ! Wondercard Text : Hoopa, le Pokémon fabuleux débarque ! Ce Hoopa connaît TrouDimensionnel, une nouvelle capacité surpuissante qui lui est propre !
  7. If you want I can, yeah, i pm you the HK ray code, i'hd forgotten
  8. Nice, still waiting his coming in france x)
  9. It tells me "The gift was not there...", so you can give it to someone else
  10. Sorry for my late, i got exams last days, i upload this in few minutes Here they are : https://1fichier.com/?40ugo6buz6 Enjoy ! (and will get the hoopa when released in france of course)
  11. do this in the day and contribute the card i've (pika pgl, rayquaza galilée, galileo (ita)) and the hoopa later
  12. I've extra HK rayquaza code if you wish
  13. Here is the picture for the italian galileo rayquaza : http://imgur.com/FqklXf5 I upload the card when i get less busy
  14. you can put any date and redeem, i don't understand where is the problem?
  15. Ok fine, I redeem this in the week so
  16. Two new wondercards on my hand, and more soon. -Pikachu PGL - France -Rayquaza Galilée - France -Have other codes for the Galileo Rayquaza, just tell me other languages and I redeem.
  17. In addition : Wondercard Title : A special shiny Rayquaza! Wondercard Text : A rare shiny Rayquaza will be given to you as a gift! This text is the same in any languages. The page to get this code was like that : (Feel free to add this into the bulbapedia page)
  18. Yup, not in the received list, that's probably mean we can receive this event as long as we have serial code for ? I've check the wondercard in hexadecimal and she looks like she's classed as repeatable so that's probably like arceus who can be received anytime we want (And I add the italian description on bulbapedia, thanks, she was missing). Edit : Got Rayquaza OT : Galilée (wondercard), will be uploaded asap (at the same time as pikachu)
  19. Ok, they're now uploaded. I also get Pikachu (Pikachu's Cup) in french, it will be uploaded asap
  20. If you want you can trade me the event to I check the SID, then I can send it back. Anyway I've the Gamescom events (bouffalant and Sableye), but the cards are set in french. Big thanks to Mahrla who has contributed the codes-card ! Bouffalant : Proof : Wondercard Title : Un Frison ! Wondercard Text : Frison se rue sur le champ de bataille avec des capacités et un objet spécialement choisis par Shigeki Morimoto, designer en chef des combats, pour son équipe en 2015 ! Title Translation : A Bouffalant Wondercard text translation : Bouffalant rush on the battlefield with moves and an item specially chosen by Shigeki Morimoto, the chief designer for the battles, for his team in 2015! Download : https://1fichier.com/?m7u18ruzt8 Sableye : Proof : Wondercard Title : Un Ténéfix ! Wondercard Text : Ce Ténéfix fait partie de l'équipe 2015 de Shigeki Morimoto, designer en chef des combats ! Admirez toute la puissance de sa Méga-Évolution ! Wondercard Title translation : A Sableye ! Wondercard Text translation : This Sableye take part in the Shigeki Morimoto's team for 2015, who is the chief designer for the battles ! Be astonished by the power of his Mega-Evolution! Download : https://1fichier.com/?s81rjveuxj
  21. thanks to all the contributors
  22. Previous page the 1fichier's pack contain it
  23. Please don't spam this thread. Guys can read and swith beteween the differents pages.
  24. thanks but as you can see in the previous posts, i've contributed all the wondercards
  25. Yet I'm receiving all the languages for Diancie. For information, in Korean and in Japanese, Diancie has the same characteristics than the English one. I will contribute a pack when it will be possible. The OT is Hope in any languages. Proofs : http://i.imgur.com/N2xgNFj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6IQPq86.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hfOyvQ8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/on68OGw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/us32nHB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Duyfnwq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QxO3IQe.jpg Download : https://1fichier.com/?jfho01gj15 (the zip contain all the languages wondercards for that diancie) Note : the "-" with any TAG after mean in what language the card was received. The Japanese, Korean and English one are basically the same wondercard.
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