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About X01Nightmare

  • Birthday 10/17/1990
  1. Thanks again for the reply and for the help. Truly appreciate it.
  2. Thank you for the quick reply. To my understanding I now realized i wont be able to do such projects since my 3DS is not in a compatible version where I could use Gateway. I would use Sky3DS but Gateway supports much more things than Sky3DS does. Also, I now understand where to locate and replace files thanks to your response. But in addition to that, what I need is an explanation, or dare I say, tutorial, from start to finish explaining how to do mostly everything. So far, my understanding are miniscule compared to all of you in this thread/forum. To not ask you such a complex task, if you wish to help that is, then all I ask is to be pointed to the right direction. Where to begin, start and understand EVERYTHING that's going on. Also, another question, could I add the mod mentioned before to my retail game of Pokemon OR with the use of gateway? Thanks again for the help. And congrats on the amazing work that you've been doing and nonetheless, uploading it without asking much in return. So for that, thank you.
  3. I'm trying to follow the forums rules as much as I can but its been quite difficult for me to understand where or how to start using your "Ohana3DS" program. I may have informed myself a little bit by looking over this for the past two days but I still can't figure it out. I'll make the following question simple and on point with an example. How do I add to my Pokemon OR the following project by the name of " ORAS - Bust May Mod" showed in this link http://reisyukaku.org/prog/ I apologize for getting of topic a bit but I need to start somewhere and I thought here would be the best place to do so. Thanks in advanced.
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