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About MetaFlygon08

  • Birthday 07/03/1990
  1. yeah that's what I found but my 3DS has updated it's firmware too far.
  2. turns out I can't decrypt my copy because my 3DS got updated up to the 8.x firmwares a while ago. I guess this thread can be deleted then since there's nothing I can do.
  3. I have plans for making some Changes to my Y rom but do not know where to begin. I've tried finding out how to unpack my .garcs from my Rom for editing but google searching brings me back here with the only real answer going to a dead link and a rather confusing place elsewhere. Does anyone have actual step by step instruction compiled yet on how to unpack you roms, edit the information, and to repack it? Because atm it seems like just a privileged few actually know what's what and nobody else has any ideas.
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