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File Comments posted by suloku

  1. I can't remember, are all dv combinstions for shiny mew possible or is it locked to a fixed shiny dv?

    (I recall celebi not being shiny locked, the machine determined normal/shiny/shiny mew, then start rerrolling if shiny?)

  2. It seems you uploaded the full file. It contains pk3 files as well as the savefiles I extracted the pk3 from (they are the same savefile, modified so the block 0 checksum matches the shiny seed). There's also the savegame without Jirachi but with the seed already modified in case anyone wants to get the jirachi themselve's on that save for some reason.

    The file "Pokemon - Sapphire Version (U) (V1.1) - 0000.sav" is just a test file with seed 0x0000 since it was easier to manually edit the other seeds from this one.

    The savefile originates from my spanish sapphire playtrough, everything in there is legal besides a non-japanese gen 3 mew (which should already be obviously illegal in any case) and technically legal not received phisically at the event, Lugia and Ho-Oh from navel rock.

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  3. A version with some minor improvements can be found here: 

    • Added savegame auto-detection (just drag and drop)
    • Program asks to modify the savegame's Mirage Value to match that of the first pokémon in the party (f you select yes a new save with the new seed is created).


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