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Posts posted by plasmashadow

  1. Thanks, but i have already this information xD.

    I refer a information if the pokemon obtained from dream radar can be shinys or not, restriccion of gender, attacks (solved) and ability.

    Also thanks for the link.

    From what we have seen, the Pokemon can't be Shiny, the Gender would be random(?) and the Ability is generally the 3rd/secret/DW ability.

  2. Yeah, it's been determined that this Volcarona is identical (PID, IVs, Nature) to the one that kirov uploaded to Pokecheck a while back.

    Your friend was trying to dupe you, it seems, and THAT is probably why he wouldn't let you extract the pgf.

    I've updated the Gallery to include links for the new Larvitar WC (GunblazeGriffin) and the second Victini distribution (Kaphotics).

    These WCs are IDENTICAL to the previous distributions except for the date received, so I've added an extra line to the entries for those that really want a specific version.

    I'll be adding these to the collection zip this week, along with making some other updates to the Gallery (as well as some error fixes pointed out by Lady Ariel that I have not had a chance to get to).

    Here are some quick download links:

    English Gen V Event Gallery

    .pgf"]US Nationals Larvitar

    .pgf"]UK Movie Victini

    Ah right, that would explain the hesitation..Thanks people ^^

  3. Post any bugs you find in the game, and let us know what you think! Whenever possible, provide us with a SAV file to test out for where you encounter that specific problem. You can PM either Kaarosu or myself so that we can test out whatever may be causing the problem. Thanks in advance.

    Currently known bugs in V3

    Trimmed ROM unsupported on certain flashcarts

    Messed up line when Mom explains how to open your bag.

    MULTI BATTLE instead of Multi Battle in Champions League

    Typo in Pokemon Center when taking tour from Bianca

    PokeStar Studios without accent on the "e"

    Soneek, they are only minor spelling mistakes (apart from the Trimming)

    Thanks for the new patch everyone! :)

  4. It is.......i find that the Egg Ash is holding has nothing to do with this event....that egg IIRC is the Scraggy.......meh..i cannot get this event..when it comes to the UK.......i live no were near a TRU....ill just wait for someone to dump them here.....

  5. Granted but you get the PCNY Cacturne (but you cannot use pokesav to save the .pkm file as all save editing programs get blocked) and then when you next go on your game , you see that your save file has been deleted and then you cry.

    My wish is to hack Pokémon Black and make the best hack ever. so good that people cannot come off the hack

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