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About derekbegins

  • Birthday 06/10/1994
  1. i am using it..well for like since they posted this tutorial up.
  2. nope you're freezing because r4sdhc kernel is only 1.34 now. and its not compatible with pokemon black/white.. you have to patch ur game and google for a method to play. the problemlies with the game and flashcart itself not the sandisk memory card.
  3. u just have to rename your save.. the sav file's name has to be the same as your v6.nds name...
  4. Hopefully v5 patch fix the "Attack or Moves" Option in Battle. Desperate to play it but it sucks because whenever i go into a battle,i cant use any options because the "attack"option isnt there and it bugged the game =/
  5. It seems like from patch v2 to v4 ,the option for "fight" doesnt show and the game would not allow you to use the touch screen and buttons for some reason which i think it freezes the game.. .. so whenever you enter a battle either trainer or wild, you would freeze... =/
  6. i see you guys have problems with that too... hopefully it get fixed for the v5 patch =D
  7. Alright~ i've found some problem with the patcher.... i am having problem with the patch v2 and v3 for White Version whenever i encounter a wild pokemon or in a trainer battle, the option for "Fight" isn't there. So i tried to use the v1 patcher for the game and it isnt havent any problem with the "Fight" option... so maybe you guys could check that up?
  8. im not sure but it might be like what you said ,too much characters. but this problem must be fixed =))
  9. Found a problem with the newest translation patch for pokemon white english-exp patched . it seems that for Zekrom's lightning strike, when you enter any battle, the name of the move will not be there.however, you are able to use that move. and the name of the move does show in the summary . =/
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