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Everything posted by aos10

  1. yes,i found and caught him however it didn't registered at the pokedex,and i can't find it.
  2. i just opened the island scanner and got this this is definitely a Chikorita.
  3. is there a wondercard for Resolute Form of Keldeo?
  4. so, any pokemon cought by this method will be not legit?
  5. i used this https://github.com/Shadowtrance/BootNTR/releases put the .bin file in the root of SD card and install the cia version run the cia version on any CFW and it should say success run the game and press X+Y to open NTR menu.
  6. it worked but, in horde battle only the first one on the right is shiny.
  7. what NTR are you using? i am on 10.5 rei/GW but it aways says FW not supported. edit: is there a key to activate it? when i load Pokemon OR it flash green for a moment
  8. is it NTR or gateway ?
  9. i know that, if someone found the code , a part of that code contain the shiny value and trainer ID must be edited for any player. someone in GBAtemp found it, but its freeze alot and not perfect.
  10. or even , use homebrew like SVDT to backup the the save.
  11. first, i am not good using cheats , because i don't know where to look and the address my idea is this the shiny Pokemon is tied to your shiny value The shiny value for each trainer is different from each other Then shiny value is 4-5 numbers , you can get it using pkhex. The value of the shiny Pokemon determined once you encounter a Pokemon So, if you activate the code and mode it to match your id, it should make any Pokemon you encounter is shiny. This is what i have right now, my coding is bad so i am asking for your help. of course i am using Gateway cheat engine , if anyone have it please tell me.
  12. that strange usually it never ask me to update my system when i check for new data , even before eshop spoofing now i can't check for new events and asking me to update is there any change in the last update for the game that always ask for update ?
  13. hoopa free code coming soon https://www.facebook.com/maxsoftonline/photos/a.291558770957240.68449.171893702923748/834867893292989/?type=1
  14. you can't use this on 7.2 only between 9.0 to if you are in 7.2 , i suggest you do a downgrade to 4.3 then you can upgrade to 9.2 using some CFW and installing the cia for 9.2
  15. wait , SaveDataFiler don't work on classic mode i have physical version of the game
  16. no , 1.4 patch for OR/AS killed ram2sav , i tested it myself if you happen you have the 1.4 patch and want to use ram2sav , you must delete the update
  17. aha , so the 1.4 was suppose to kill the ram2sav ? but i can still use the QR code from pokemon edit web site
  18. i thought someone had the file for hoopa it was fake ?
  19. ok, problem found 2 month ago i used a spoof method to download the latest update for OR ( 1.4 ) using the injection method after i deleted the 1.4 update , i did this whole process again and now i can see my save in pkhex so if you downloaded the update using spoof , this injection will not work should i send you the old save that not working to see it ?
  20. ok, problem found 2 month ago i used a spoof method to download the latest update for OR ( 1.4 ) using the injection method after i deleted the 1.4 update , i did this whole process again and now i can see my save in pkhex so if you downloaded the update using spoof , this injection will not work
  21. aha, thanks then the problem with pkhex it self the ramsav.bin is 512 kb
  22. this what i did in the web inject method and here where i should turn off my 3DS , correct ? this what PKhex is showing me i had old save and it displayed it correctly so , there is something wrong with the save it self ? i also should point out that the system on the game in 1.4 ( omega ruby )
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