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Everything posted by Falo

  1. There is an error with your KeySAV / Mass Dumper, after several useless trys to make it work i found out that your blank.ekx is the mistake. A real blank.ekx is only zeros + encryption, there is no "Egg" data in them, after generating a blank.ekx with just zeros i was able to dump all of my boxes without a single checksum error. The egg data is a error by xoring a new save against a old save, this only applies for box data & battle box data. Also here the german torchic wondercard, only the text and 1 byte is different // edit: Region & Country id's can be dumped through the passerby data struct PASSERBY{ struct PASSERBY_ENTRY entry[102]<optimize=false>; ubyte padding[0x50]; }; struct PASSERBY_ENTRY{ uint unk1; uint unk2; wchar_t Name[13]; wchar_t Message[17]; ubyte unk3[0x12]; ubyte region; ubyte country; ubyte unk4[0x44]; ushort favoritePKM; ubyte unk5[7]; byte stars; ubyte data[0x22]; Printf("%s: %d, %d\n", Name, country, region); }; some dumped country id's: 1501 - Torchic (GER).zip
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