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About Meetra

  • Birthday 08/29/1990
  1. Ive heard theres a problem when you use a different email- key combination, but no problem using the key in multiple places. But i agree, i have nothing against anyone who does not, id just rather know for sure before having to send it back and wait a couple weeks to get a brand new dongle. And also was hoping for it to be emailed or sent someway that it isnt just broadcasted on a forum lol.
  2. I am having the same problem as well, i have tried both my x and y cartridge, have tried alcohol and that did nothing as well. So im guessing its a reion key problem, i was curious if someone could let me try their us key to see if that will fix it, if it does not work with a us key then im going to return the dongle, since itd be about 2 weeks before i got a new one i would like to be sure.
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