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About RandyOrton2014

  • Birthday 09/28/1990
  1. The power saves adapter? Well, I just got an email from a support tech in Datel, they change the region of my license key to work on my US 3DS games. Now my Pokémon XY, Mario Kart, Resident Evil loading up codes in the powersaves
  2. What??? Did u put too much saliva to ur cartridge?
  3. Yes, the 999 any items (including getting the stone for lat/ios/ias), infinite money/pokemiles/bp/, and the make any pokes shiny code I got.
  4. http://gbatemp.net/threads/datel-powersaves-now-supports-pokemon-x-y.361711/page-11 theres the link that the licking method works
  5. Guys! Its working for me now! xDDD LICK YOUR POKEMON XY CARTRIDGES!!!!! Press it against your tongue to get a lot of saliva on it
  6. Same problem here. Wen u use pokemon x or y, u get like flickering screens huh?
  7. Im able to make backups for other games besides xy, cause I keep getting flickering screens wen I insert em. but I still cant get any codes to load up for any of my games
  8. The problem must be datel's servers or whatever. Cant be the device or license key that has a problem...
  9. Could u share everyone here the US license key?...
  10. I sent them numerous emails and no reply. I already gave em my license key and still no reply
  11. it still shows the red ! on the codes section as well
  12. They should've just made this new ar to connect to the 3ds instead of connectin it to the pc. its so dumb
  13. Are u using the old license key or a new one? How did u get yours to work?
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