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About Repulsory

  • Birthday 01/19/1997
  1. Hello everybody, in this post I would like to ask for some help with scripts. As I have already metioned I not good at scripting, but I would really like to insert some new scripts to certain persons in the hack. At first I need a pretty simple script, at least for those who have beter knowledge than me
  2. I already did and this hack is awesome! To be honest I watched the complete hack on YouTube, especially the Gym Leaders, Elite 4 and Champion. What I want to change though is that I would like my hack to be more "natural" meaning you will also see non envolved Pokemon until certain point of the game and it will be far more difficult to train your Pokemon outside Trainer battles. Also, there might not be many Fighting-Types before the Normal Gym etc. So there will be a lot more strategy around it, I promise you!
  3. Thank you very much! Ill just try it out as soon as I can. EDIT 01: True, but PPRE only works with older verisons than BW2, so that should not be possible. Also, the newer Version from Alpha does not contain any options to change that, too! Or what do you mean? Did I just get the wrong program?
  4. Hello community, I have problems to start a script when the player enters a specific area? Does anybody knows how to do that? You can see this ingame if you, for example, walk over a position and an NPC is created and walking towards you [further script...]. Yours, Repulsory
  5. Hello everybody and welcome to one of the newest Pokemon Projekts, dealing with Pokemon versions Black 2 / White 2! About Me [table=width: 500, align: left] [tr] [td]Name:[/td] [td]Repulsory[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Age:[/td] [td]17 years[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]First Versions:[/td] [td]Diamond and Pearl[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Country:[/td] [td]Germany[/td] [/tr] [/table] Important Information: I really hope not to make too much mistakes concerning the English language, so please turn a blind eye if you see some mistakes as I am not a native English speaker. General Information Well, I have started to play Pokemon as Diamond and Pearl were released and I really enjoyed playing it. The different options that the game offers you are great, but one thing that I really missed was a tool where you can edit the game yourself, changing Pokemon from different Trainers and other stuff like that. Making my own hack was a very important thing for me and with new Pokemon games also came new tools for editing! A week ago I have thought about this one more time and decided to try making my own hack. Im not completely "new" to Pokemon and actually spend quite some time on online battle emulators, just in case you might think im a newbie. Lets go into further details what I want my hack too look like... How difficult the game should be? The game must contain real challenges, meaning you need strategy to complete it Thought process behind each changed trainer, wild Pokemon and their levels Players just trying to rush with a starter Pokemon should fail to complete the game What are you going to change? At first I will just edit the normal Pokemon trainers and add some more Gym Leader should be a real "challenge" as well as so-called "Route-Leaders", who will be added to the game Wild Pokemon will be changed afterwards, but this is a hard job and will take additional time ... more comes later What can I do to support you? To be honest I really dont know much about scripting. Well, if I got a finished script I may be able to put it into the game, but writing is at this stage not possible for me so I definitively need some help there. Also, if you have any ideas or want on comment on something, please do so as this would help me with further editing! If you can script or want to take part at this hack, you can also send me a message. The more help, the beter will the hack finally be! Needed Scripts: If the player enters an area, a trainer must be created and walking afterwards to the player. Then he will ask after a battle and right after the battle he says something and walks away (out of screen) and is deleted from the map Current Status Diary - What has been edited so far? Here you can check out what I have done so far containing changes in the game | Newest Entry from: 05.03.2014 Work is still in progress, look at my diary if you want further information! Important: I started closed Beta-Testing with some of my friends, one of them will upload videos at some point just to show you some parts of the hack. I will give you more information about that later on! Coming soon... Right now I got some exams, will continue work afterwards
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