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Everything posted by x7l7j8cc

  1. I think its this: *Bool KCapturedBoxLegendary : Bool2 -> Bool1 Try it.
  2. You can do it in this way: - Put the rideable Koraidon in your Party and Save. - Open your Save in PkHex, go to Party and edit Koraidon to Miraidon, Changing only: Species (Koraidon to Miraidon obv.), Met Origin Game (Scarlet to Violet), Moves to match Miraidon ones, and finally (if you have) change the OT Name SID and ID to match the current Save. The last one is only if you changed your ID to a new One during conversion (I did it so that the saves are different).
  3. Hi, i'm searching for a way to edit the "photo" on the save page, because i want to change it. Example Image (not my save): and change it to anything else of these: I've tried to edit some Objects and some values in "Block Data"->"Block Key" of PKHex, but i didnt have any luck.
  4. if you can help me i'm really happy.... anyway i'm italian but i understand perfectly english... at least if somebody want to help me please contact me ... ok??? thanks for the reply!!!
  5. Hi, I'll try to translate Pokesav for HG/SS in Italian language, Please can anyone say to me the Program to Translate the Program (Combo Box.. to...) ??? please i'm desperated!!!
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