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10 Good

About Minccinostopaz

  • Birthday 01/24/2000
  1. Unless theres a cuter new fire type
  2. Well my 2 friends want chespin and the other is getting froakie so i guess im getting fennekin
  3. Fingers crossed for new cuties
  4. Trueish what about old unova
  5. If anyone knows how to get better scores in these im all ears
  6. Ok im not that good but i still get good results Hurdle dash 89.7 ledian quilava ratata Pennant capture 43 ledian rattatta gastly Circle push 62 weepingbell weedle mareep Block smash 63 (same team) Disc catch 52 metapod paras hoppip Lamp jump 465 pidgeotto ledian hopppip Relay run 14.6 pidgeotto scyther hoppip Ring drop 142 metapod togepi quagsire Snow throw 46 ledian rattatta gastly Goal roll 10 ledian rattatta gastly Speed course 413 ledian quilava rattatta Power course 444 weepingbell mareep weedle Skill course 492 Ledian rattatta gastly Stamina course 461 metapod quagsire togepi Jump course 419 hoppip scyther pidgeotto
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