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Everything posted by JayTheKing

  1. Yeah i know thats why i ask in which exact location they are.409 or 367?
  2. I always get a line telling me that 000/384 were dismissed due to few lines.I am copy pasting it ruby's , change Grimsley's name to Silver but nothing changes in ''pkm trainer .... challenged you''
  3. But are they in 409?I want the ''pkmn trainer bla bla challanged you'' to change
  4. Last question:Does anyone know which are the encrypted words for the trainers name in 0/0/2? I dont want to mess every single one to find out. They are in section 409 right?
  5. Why are the names in japanese if i have the USA version? EDIT:I get it thanks!
  6. Alrighty thanks Now can you tell me how can i change the characters names in the mugshots and in the''Pkmn trainer ''...'' challanged you to battle''? Is it done with pptx or with BWTE?
  7. Thanks but i cant seem to find the text for the E4 and the champion though.
  8. Any idea how can i stick the arm to the body that has thrown the pokeball? EDIT:Nevermind.How can i exactly change the text though?
  9. So i have no clue in which narc my character's in battle sprite is so i can modify it. To be more clear i mean this: And how exactly can i cut these hands correctly so the will stick on the main body? Last question:How can i modify the dialogue boxes of the E4 members and the Champion? Dont forget that it is for Black 2.
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