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Posts posted by RubyCarbuncle

  1. 54 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

    pk3DS is open source breh


            private static readonly GARCReference[] GARCReference_SM =
                new GARCReference(011, "move"),
                new GARCReference(012, "eggmove"),
                new GARCReference(013, "levelup"),
                new GARCReference(014, "evolution"),
                new GARCReference(015, "megaevo"),
                new GARCReference(017, "personal"),
                new GARCReference(019, "item"),
                new GARCReference(077, "zonedata"),
                new GARCReference(091, "worlddata"),
                new GARCReference(104, "trclass"),
                new GARCReference(105, "trdata"),
                new GARCReference(106, "trpoke"),
                new GARCReference(155, "encounterstatic"),
                new GARCReference(277, "maisonpkN"),
                new GARCReference(278, "maisontrN"),
                new GARCReference(279, "maisonpkS"),
                new GARCReference(280, "maisontrS"),
                // Varied
                new GARCReference(030, "gametext", true),
                new GARCReference(040, "storytext", true),


    Pfft. That's what I get for not looking clearly enough. My apologies. Still kind of a novice when it comes to the in-depth stuff of all this. Thank you for the help, though, I'll keep this in my mind if I ever need to know another location. :P


    @BelmontSlayer I see. I searched high and low on GBATemp and never found anything. Guess I just missed it somewhere. xD Thanks though.

  2. Hello, I'm wondering if someone here can give the GARC locations I need to go about replacing a few things. I have the GARC locations for both battle models, overworld models, and Trainer images, but I'm wondering where the following are:

    Game Text

    Story Text

    All files relating to the Trainer teams (in ORAS it'd be "trdata," "trpoke")

    I know that Pk3DS can edit the files without telling me where they are, but the method I'm using to get my 3DS to read edited GARCs is different than what I'm used to, and Pk3DS doesn't tell me which GARCs are being edited like the XYORAS version did. Likewise, I don't think anyone has a compiled list of all GARC files yet like there was for XY and ORAS (not that I've found, anyhow) I just need to know these locations so I can insert them onto my SD Card myself. 

    Thank you for your time. :)

  3. Please disregard my last post. Through Hex Editing, I've figured out what I needed to know. With any luck, I'll post a video showing some progress on it in the coming days.

    EDIT: Nope, nevermind. I overlooked something that made me think I got what I needed. Still working at it in my spare time, though.

  4. Hey, I was wondering if I could get any sort of clarification on this. I'm trying to make a battle field out of OR/AS maps, however the map files in OR/AS don't have the textures packaged into the same .BCH file as the map itself. I'm wondering if it's possible, either through Ohana, Rebirth, or some other method, to add these textures directly to the map's .BCH file. If someone could provide an answer, great! Thanks in advance! However, I'm really not expecting one, to be quite honest.

  5. The Pokemon models are all the files that end in .147. Basically the list for each individual Pokemon will look like this.

    #.147 Pokemon model


    #.164 Normal Texture

    #.164 Shiny Texture




    #.147 Ohana cannot open this file. The next Pokemon is right below this one.

    Then it repeats. Ohana will not open the last .147 file per Pokemon, so don't bother with it.

    As for which Pokemon is where, idk how to help you with that. Keep in mind that all Pokemon are in order by Pokedex number, so if you're looking for, let's say, Lucario, and the model you open is Blaziken, keep going further down the list. Likewise, if you run into Samurott, you've gone too far. Just keep looking at each Pokemon until you get in the general area of where the Pokemon you're looking to edit is on the Pokedex.

    One thing that could help for the future is to document all Pokemon files you've tried while searching for the one you want. Good luck.

  6. The name plates are in file 2/1/4. "You are challenged by [Trainer Name]" Is done through Pk3DS's text editor. Read through the threads in the ROM research and development section and it should answer most if not all of your questions.

    Under the "Game Text" button here are the important locations for each thing you'd normally replace.

    File 21: Trainer Class

    File 22: Trainer Names

    File 23: Trainer's Dialogue

    Likewise, Kaphotics has compiled a list of what most of the GARC files in OR/AS hold. You can use it as a reference to find exactly what you need fairly easily.


  7. As far as I've gathered, Gen 4 hacking is well fleshed out. I cannot confirm everything for certain but the basic things such as sprite editing, move changing, text editing, and all that basic stuff can be fully edited. Things like scripts can also be made from what I've gathered off a certain Youtube channel (creator of the video below).

    Likewise, if you have the time and/or knowledge of modeling you can potentially create your own region in these games.

    Like so:


    I cannot go into specifics, as I'm more interested in Gen 5/6 hacking, but I hope I was able to clear up some of what is possible with the fourth generation.

  8. Hi, I'm hoping to get some answers on how to change map textures. I know where the map textures are located (a/0/1/4) however when I open the GARC file is when things start to get iffy.

    If I open the GARC using GARCTool than all the textures I'm looking to edit are in .133 files. So, I open Pk3DS and open the .133 files and edit the textures as normal using Ohana. Now when I convert the folder back into a .133 and rebuild the GARC the game will crash when I try to load the specific map I've edited.

    So, I figured it was a problem with GARCTool, so I decompressed a clean GARC and went through the same process, this time with the .133 files appearing as .bin files instead. I unpack, repack and launch the game and get the same problem.

    I know editing map textures is possible, as I've seen it done on the exact maps I'm looking to edit, but can anyone help me work around this issue?

  9. My apologies for the double post, but how would I go about properly changing the map textures? They're all .133 files, I've used pk3DS to decompile them, recompile them, and then remake the GARC, but whenever I go into the map where textures have changed the game freezes on a black screen. I know it's not impossible, as I've seen another user change the exact two rooms I'm trying to change and it worked just fine. If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it immensely.

  10. Did a thing, figure I may as well post it here.


    The image is rather large do to my video editor, and I'm to lazy to upload another. So, here's a link in case you need it; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cby32XcUkAArOqe.jpg:large

    I may release the .BCH file for it some time next weekend, there are still a few kinks I need to work out, specifically with the bag. I'd like to use it in a video myself before I get around to releasing it as well. Overall, everything seems all right with it.


    Brendan's body

    Red's hair (Smash Bros.)

    Calem's Cap (Not the default hunting hat, the baseball cap from X/Y)

    Trevor's backpack

    A good portion of editing was done to each model and such, so it wasn't just a straight port from other things. Also, I'm no model making pro, nor do I claim to be. I simply did what I could with the resources available.

    One thing to take note of, I cannot edit Brendan's body without the body exploding in a million different ways, so he's still wearing shorts (with the legs textured to look like pants), I also didn't edit his shoes since anything lower than the shorts barely gets seen outside of the cutscenes with Kyogre/Groudon and the Hall of Fame anyway.

  11. Hey, hi, how's it going? You never get anywhere in life unless you ask stupid questions, so here I am. I know this has been asked before, but I figured it'd be best to try and get some answers before going knee deep into a bunch of stuff I didn't need to know. I know a "Fair" amount about modeling, but I'm still just a beginner so please excuse my ignorance on the matter. So, I wanted to be able to insert my own custom characters into these games, but figured I'd tackle something a bit simpler first, as I'm still a beginner and need to learn what the limitations of inserting things through Ohana are. After removing May's default bag I applied Trevor's to her body model, fixed up the textures, and it surprisingly inserted itself into Ohana without the typical, "This model has more faces... etc. etc." error. So, I figured it worked. If it did, I wouldn't be here.

    To start off, I read this on page 3:

    That's because your custom model's verts are too different from the original so the bones arent binding to the correct verts.

    I get that, however I didn't expect the model to become this corrupt since I was still using May's body and figured her bones would still be attached to her model like normal. At most I expected Trevor's bag to be the thing to glitch out like this. Laughably enough, it's the only thing that didn't become a jumbled mess.

    Anyway, here's the image of what happened.


    Basically, all I'm asking is if there's a way to correct this. Do I need to bind the model to May's original model's bones manually? If so, how? Or is it something else entirely. All I need is to be pointed in the right direction, and I'll do the rest of the research myself.

    Thank you for your time.

  12. As Evan pointed out, you need to put it into your 3ds folder. Not your SD Card's main directory. Look at the top of the image below, my braindump is located in (E: )/3ds not just {E: ).


    It needs to be placed in the same folder as other apps that may have come with your Homebrew files, such as menuhax, hans, or Save Manager.

  13. Hey, I'm new to hacking OR/AS so please forgive me if I overlooked the obvious here.

    What I'm hoping to do is change the effect (or at least the textures of the effects) for the Elite 4 Intros, more specifically I want to make Phoebe's less floral. (Either by making the scene basically invisible, replacing the scene with another member's (Most likely Sidney's) or just changing the texture of the floral pattern)

    I've checked the garcs a/0/3/3 (Battle fade intros) and a/2/1/4 (Elite Four descriptor UI) and didn't seem to find exactly what it was I was looking for. If anyone can help me with this, it'd be appreciated. Neither garcs seemed to have what I needed, at most I was able to edit the background and what not of the scene, but the floral effect still remains.

    Thank you for your time.

  14. As mentioned above, it's in narc file 0/0/2 in file 176. The names however, are encrypted. So, you could always do what I did in the image above and replace all the names with numbers, or copy and paste this list of names.






















  15. Then why create a forum?, and why create a section "Rom Editing Help"?

    I do not enjoy doing a thousand questions, but if there a guide, I could not do anything,Example: it is as if you were told to speak Italian even if you do not know about.

    It's okay to ask for help on something, however what you're asking for is basically a step by step tutorial for each thing you ask about. One or two questions is fine, there are many threads that teach the basics of ROM hacking, scripting, to re-insert sprites, etc. etc. However, if you don't understand how the tool works, you should learn that before anything.

    This post below, shows you don't know how to use certain aspects of this tool:


    Edit:How do I get me out this screen?SNAG_0007.jpg

    Sure, I for one have asked questions before. However, I never asked for a step by step tutorial before. I took the knowledge learned from a previous experience and learned how to do

    on my own.

    I know I'm still fairly new here, so I don't really have a firm grasp on what is meant by help around these forums, and you're right, this is a "Help" Forum, however, it isn't a "Step-by-step tutorial" thread. In my honest opinion, it's as though you're getting people to hold your hand the whole way through each thing, which is even worse then telling someone how to do it step by step.

    Again, yes, help is sometimes important, however at times you need to try to learn to figure things out on your own before starting up a new thread about it, then, if you just absolutely can't get it, then you ask for help. You might be surprised with how much you can do on your own.

  16. Do you have the proper palette selected for it? By this I mean do you have Nate's palette selected when you replace his sprite. It reads Nate's palette, even if you have Hugh's selected.

    Also, be sure you have the small mugshot palette selected. Nate and Rosa have two separate palettes for both their small and large mugshots.

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