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About megafierce

  • Birthday 09/21/1988
  1. So, in Pokemon Black, I once used a code to go back to the castle and rebattle N. After battling the Elite 4, suddenly I can't even engage in combat with Alder - trapping me in the two rooms I'm in, unable to fly, dig, or teleport away. Is there a teleport/warp code, or a suicide-out-of-battle code, a fight-wild-Pokemon-anywhere code, or anything else at all I might be able to use to escape? Turned out there was a Fly From Anywhere code - thankfully, I had an Archeops on me. Force of habit to carry a Flier into the Elite 4. ::Fly From/to Anywhere 5215EC70 FA48F000 1215EC76 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 521B9B80 FDF8F000 121B9B86 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 Haven't tested this one, but in case anyone reading this ever gets stuck without a flier on them... ::Everywhere is Computer (Start) 52188DF0 B086B570 E2002240 00000030 F034B50E 2170E84C D00A2808 E006981F F034B50E 219EE844 D0022808 07C09822 2027BD0E 306A0200 18529A03 BD0E9203 12189DDA 0000F678 12189DDC 0000FA39 1218A31E 0000F677 1218A320 0000FF8F D0000000 00000000 So there you go. Stuck on Alder or in the fifth gym? I dunno how to code someone into teleporting or warping out, but this oughta do. Unfortunately, still at a loss as to how I might actually battle Alder...
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