I'd like to thank you for such hard work. I just recently beat Black 2 and was so very glad to find Blaze Black also had a 2. I'm still reading the documentation, but so far the changes seem better then the first BB/VW. I do miss Flygon's high base special attack, though. I thought you'd give it 100 base satk.
I really liked what you did with Farfetch'd this time, even though I don't use it. The changes in general seem more moderate, with more of a "professional" air around them.
I would like to make some suggestions, if you don't mind, though. Just something I changed myself back in blaze black when I played it.
Adding Sacred Sword to Absol, since he actually has a horn and uses it as a sword.
Making Seviper Poison/Dragon. I also enabled it to learn Surf and boosted a bit its stats and Zangoose's, mainly their speed. Also, i think I gave the snake dragon dance and something to Zangoose to compensate, can't really recall. Think I changed his ability to Poison Heal... Yeah, that was it.
Changing Cute Charm for Huge Power in Lopunny. Oh, that was a killing machine. Also I really think it fits.
Making Charizard Fire/Dragon with Blaze/Levitate. I kinda love this typing and also dislike using Legends, so this is the closest to a Reshiram I could get.
Las thing I remember is something I didn't change, but thought about changing quite a few times: Making Porygon-Z a Normal/Ghost poké. It seems to fit him so well...
Guess these are all changes I made worth mentioning. There were others, such as Aura Sphere Roserade, but this one has no actual sense, the idea was just to make my favorite pokémon better.