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Giovanni Boss

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About Giovanni Boss

  • Birthday 02/27/1991
  1. One more little bug: The policeman just outside Castelia, on route 4, says his Herdier found you smell dangerous. The thing is, he has a Meditite and a Noctowl.
  2. At the very least the shaking grass code works, since I use it.
  3. I have edited just fine, apart from movesets, since I failed miserably to make twistedfatal's tool open narc files. But Whatever, I just wanted to fix Croagunk. Still, I am quite happy with the thought of a 100 base special attack flygon and a rock head rapidash.
  4. Bug report: The boy before Cheren's Gym, inside Aspertia's Trainer School, still says that the only fighting type around is Riolu, when Mankey is also obtainable. Captured a Croagunk, real cute and all, though its moveset wasn't really compatible with the list in documentation. Even though it was at lvl 12, its moves were: Astonish, Mud-Slap, Poison Sting and Taunt, in this order. And then, I leveled it up to 15, when it learned Pursuit. So, it's still with its old movepool. Riolu learned Feint instead of Force Palm at level 11. And Force Palm instead of Feint at level 15.
  5. Don't know why shouldn't they apply. Why, have you had any issues?
  6. I was editing Flygon and Rapidash when I came across something: Watchog. This little dude didn't have the stats quite right as listed. Instead, it had 123 def and 69 sp.def. Is this some kind of problem with the editor I downloaded or it was really a misedit on your part?
  7. Might be a hidden Item in your grotto.
  8. I'd like to thank you for such hard work. I just recently beat Black 2 and was so very glad to find Blaze Black also had a 2. I'm still reading the documentation, but so far the changes seem better then the first BB/VW. I do miss Flygon's high base special attack, though. I thought you'd give it 100 base satk. I really liked what you did with Farfetch'd this time, even though I don't use it. The changes in general seem more moderate, with more of a "professional" air around them. I would like to make some suggestions, if you don't mind, though. Just something I changed myself back in blaze black when I played it. Adding Sacred Sword to Absol, since he actually has a horn and uses it as a sword. Making Seviper Poison/Dragon. I also enabled it to learn Surf and boosted a bit its stats and Zangoose's, mainly their speed. Also, i think I gave the snake dragon dance and something to Zangoose to compensate, can't really recall. Think I changed his ability to Poison Heal... Yeah, that was it. Changing Cute Charm for Huge Power in Lopunny. Oh, that was a killing machine. Also I really think it fits. Making Charizard Fire/Dragon with Blaze/Levitate. I kinda love this typing and also dislike using Legends, so this is the closest to a Reshiram I could get. Las thing I remember is something I didn't change, but thought about changing quite a few times: Making Porygon-Z a Normal/Ghost poké. It seems to fit him so well... Guess these are all changes I made worth mentioning. There were others, such as Aura Sphere Roserade, but this one has no actual sense, the idea was just to make my favorite pokémon better.
  9. Or maybe you're just unbelievably unlucky.
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