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Everything posted by Catobela

  1. Things are really shaping up here! PSI is looking to be my favorite hex editor now. I can't wait to see what lies ahead. :biggrin:
  2. XP Compatibility mode didn't help with 1.5b or 2.0b, which was depressing. 2.1b, however, works without error even without compatibility mode. I eagerly await how this fine program will progress.
  3. I'm using 32-bit Windows Vista. That...might be why. Also, trying to run the installer gives me an error saying: "Cannot download application. The application is missing required files. Contact application vendor for assistance." The details mentions this: - Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Catobela\Downloads\PSI 2.0b setup\PSI 2.0b setup\Application Files\Pokemon Studio Injector v2.0b_2_1_0_0\Pokemon Studio Injector v2.0b.exe.manifest'.
  4. I've been lurking this thread since it came up and try as I might I just can't get the manual injection to work. I've updated my .NET framework and tried running everything in safe mode to make sure it wasn't a stray process causing incompatibility. I've even tried depositing the studiomon (Scene OL/Scene OL 2) into every box in almost every slot (in both 1.5b and 2.0b). No matter what I do, I get arithmetic errors. Even loading my .sav files prompts the error. What's really vexing is the lv. 5 injection works just fine, despite the error message that pops up. I really don't want to bother you guys with helping me out because that's time better spent elsewhere, but I don't really have any other ideas on what to do. Hopefully things will smooth out soon This is the error my debugger brings up. This is my .sav file. This is the .pkm file that I'm trying to get working (Scene OL 2).
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