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Posts posted by Reptillian

  1. I bring more questions for this board, yay.

    First of all, anyone know how to edit specific colors from a RLCN pallete file? It's just a few color lines out of the 256 colors that it has. Some colors are supposed to stay as they are.

    This question is essentially a follow up of this thread, which doesn't really provide an answer: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?27073-Problems-editing-a-.RLCN-(palette)-file-in-HG-SS

    And that's because Console tool 3.0, can't seem to save the edits when exporting the new file, even though they display well. Hexing is not an option because of time constraints.

    Or am I doing something wrong?

    And my second question.. I want to change some textures and palletes in BMD0 3D files. Any program out there that can do this?

    This thread here touches upon the issue but it's vague.


    That's all.

    Im finally finding my way around the roms. I can navigate them easily and I made a narc list of where everything is. But this is a wall on my face right now.

  2. Really would appreciate it if someone knew where..

    The trainer card -trainer- sprites are

    The flying sprite poses for the main character, also the one on the file selection screen

    The x-transciever talking textures

    Im looking for their BW locations, not B2W2. I seem to see the latter everywhere, but not the former. Any help is appreciated.

    EDIT: Found them all.

  3. Here's a few sprites I've been making for my own use and experiments. I figured there'd be no point in keeping them rotting in a folder and the like.

    They could be given new life by being used by all. So happy holidays Proyect Pokemon, you all can have as much as you like.

    Testing in-game is encouraged.


    For Gen V



  4. No

    One would have to first understand how the animation files are structured. I don't think it's been done yet.

    Then, think about all the factors: You'd have to program which parts of the sheet to include and how many, framerate, how would they move, rotate or stretch, their precise location in the finished animation and alot of testing with your creation for a result that's not mediocre.

    A tool would be possible but a little unlikely. I've used similar programs before for other games and they're usually complex to work with.

  5. 2cgo57n.jpg

    Based off a cool concept I saw on google and the real plant.

    I want this beastie on Black and White and in my team.. But im not sure if Kazo's BWSE can edit these in without glitching the palletes.. Or maybe that was the old version? In any case, I can't find out myself as im on my Linux machine, and the Windows one will be coming in two weeks so..

    Is it possible to flawlessly insert pokemon sprites yet?

    If it is then, it would mean the green light for me to finish this Victreebel's back sprite and make him into pieces for the insertion.

    It has the same colors as the original, so no need for pallete changing too.

    Sprite is for personal use, but if you want it, then by all means enjoy it.

  6. Reminds me- In the original BW, there's the issue of the protagonist trainer sprites that appear in the trainer card, the one that appears when you start a new game (White outline), and the one overworld sprite in the save file selection. Any word on those?

    EDIT: I was playing today and I noticed, in the ferris wheel event on BW when you find N, the sprite riding it is still the original one. And for some reason it manages to crash my game when a battle starts.


  7. Thanks, seems I missed the thread. Time to start tinkering around.

    Also, is there an informational thread about the original Black and White narc directories? Im currently focused on editing those first. (Xtransciever)

    And even if I find them, what should I use to extract/decompress/insert?

    Im thinking it might be a good idea to try and figure this out first before I start drawing new mugs.

  8. I wonder

    If there's a way to find and decompress the X-transciever textures, the ones of the trainers when they're making video calls in BW, in order to replace them.

    Im not sure how trainer edits would work without taking these into consideration.

    Same for the crapload of textures which have the main characters appearing everywhere and posing in B2W2:


    Any help would be appreciated ; )

  9. Hm, so far I've made every tool work except BWME. The portraits in preview have their palletes twisted for some reason..

    Everything works well on my R4 so far. (BW)

    EDIT: Lol, it worked. I opened it this time with kiwi instead of Nitro explorer. Fuck hell yes.

    Thank you Kazo, this is amazing.

  10. Hello everyone, just dropping by on this site for a while.

    Im just a humble pixel artist looking to make a quick HGSS hack- Inserting some of my custom trainer sprites into the game. Maybe for Pokemon White too, of possible.

    Yet, last time I hacked pixels into a pokemon game was in gen 3, years ago, and I don't have a clue about the new tools and methods, or the DS altoguether. Also, life is busy on this end, so I lack the proper time to swallow Kazowar's tuts, so..


    Getting to the point- If anyone with a kind soul would be willing to do this insertion for me, I'd be willing to sprite for this person whatever sprites he or she may need, as long as it's reasonable. Anything- character mugshots, overworlds, pokemon sprites, or any concept that may help with your proyect. I could also sprite some samples beforehand, so you can be guaranteed a quality piece.

    This is the chance that anyone looking for top-notch spritework should never pass. B)


    See you around-

    EDIT: Seems to me this site is.. I don't know how to put this.. Inactive? ...Dead?

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