It's quite normal my black and white save file used to be of same size i use desmume 0.9.8.But i use NDS Save Converter v2.6 to covert .sav to raw format for pokesav and again later when converting back to desmume it becomes 512 KB and never gained large size.
As well as 8 MB wouldn't hurt.
one more thing i received the wonder card from pokemart guy in black i am not transferring from HG/SS.I used pokegen and loaded the wonder card to my pokemon black save file and received the gift i must have did some mistakes it was all sorted out by pingouin 7 and now only the trash bytes are messed up as i checked my .pkm file in pokecheck also posted the screenshot above for information.
If u are using pokegen to edit events
Go to pokegen.Then go to tools > Mystery Gift and load a .pgf file. You can find them here
i dont know about creating a legit one may be experienced users can answer i am new here.
Cheeers !
yea but i was trying to make a copy of gamestop.everything is okay but i just need what are the trash values of it and target game,origin,met location and encounter option.ty
I have changed the name in nickname tab in pokegen.used pokecheck again it says All characters in name are valid.
Invalid terminator sequence in trash bytes.
by the way thanks for replying soon.