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Posts posted by Varna

  1. I wasn't meaning to flame you, I just wanted to let people know the source of a certain image. However, your Eevee that was distributed might just have been illegal. Now, of course, I don't want you to go to jail, but I, and Argy, have noticed that a lot of the things on this site are worse than what PPN had, and they got shut down, with the admin's house raided by the FBI. I hope that the same fate doesn't happen here; you guys have a great color scheme, by the way!

    Haha, sorry man, but hacking tools =/= warez. They can't bust anyone for harmlessly cheating at a video game.

    Anyway, now that I've had a nice laugh, welcome and enjoy your stay (if you ever intended to stick around to begin with).

  2. And once we determine a method of who gets to vote after a test is completed, those same requirements apply to Wi-Fi testers as well.

    I don't think we should restrict who can vote. Simply because a person didn't meet some quota of battles doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about, and vice versa. Instead, we could utilize something along the lines of a weighted vote system where those who have participated more will have a larger vote, but those who haven't or couldn't participate as much will still have a say. Of course, I don't really think a vote is an effective way to decide something like this to begin with, so it should be accompanied by some sort of debate as well, whence someone could compile all the major points from each side to help figure things out.

    As far as where to begin, I'd just like to say now that I'm not a fan of starting out assuming that another site's work is acceptable. It would be a much better idea to start from scratch, or place restrictions based on game data only, such as base stats or movepools. The testing will take longer, but it will be more fruitful. Whether or not we end up with something similar to anyone else's is irrelevant; the entire purpose of it all is to do our own testing.

    A key point to consider is the clauses. Almost every single one changes the game immensely, and they can't be taken lightly if serious tests are going to be run. In my personal opinion, species clause is quite possibly the only one that should be considered for use without testing to begin with.

    Any way you slice it, there is a lot of work ahead.

  3. And which hold items does Shoddy not have programmed in? Potions? Revives? Yeah, because that makes a ton of difference in a battle simulator designed to allow people to test their teams before they spend a month resetting/breeding for them ingame.

    Power Herb and some of the berries are ones I've personally noticed missing, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were more. Also, there should be at least one "junk" item programmed in for situations like Trick.

  4. I might reply with more later, but I think parents have a HUGE influence on their child's behavior.

    For example, I have a friend whose parents are devout Christians, and he has been brought up to be one (which personally I don't agree with, but I digress). They NEVER let him go out late on school nights (not even in high school) and always kept him from doing things with his friends on the weekends for "family time". The result? He doesn't ever WANT to do anything now but sit on his computer, draw, and do generally solitary things because that's all he knows.

  5. You've never met my friend. His Mewtwo competes right on par with my Marth game. We've even won a 2v2 tournament against some pretty sick competition. Using wavebirds no less. They instantly dismissed us as no threat when he picked Mewtwo and we had cordless controllers. Haha, oh the looks on their faces...

    The trick to Mewtwo is not offense, I'll tell you that much.

  6. Resisting the urge to troll really hard here.

    But I just have to.


    wraith - "God is absolute, and therefore evolution is false! You can't show me evidence that proves it! Even if you do, I am going to ignore all evidence presented to me anyways and repeat the same thing over and over, so don't even try!"

    Okami - "Well, I'm Spiritual, but I see no reason to be like ^."

    Everyone Else - "We respect your beliefs. However, we disagree. This is why... *evidence, examples, and logic* "

    So now that we all understand, we can move on to actual debate, yes? :D

  7. In all honesty mIRC is the best IRC program I've ever worked with. Those all-in-one messengers tend to display things improperly, lack features, or just flat out error.

    If you're really that irritated by the whole 5 or 6 second wait, crack it.

  8. LOL. Really? I can refute most of them if I tried... because many are taken out of context. What seems like inconsistencies is really because you WANT them to be inconsistent... or it's really how you perceive.
    3. "It has to be understood in context." I find this amusing because it comes from the same crowd that likes to push likewise extracted verses that support their particular view. Often it is just one of the verses in the contradictory set which is supposed to be taken as THE TRUTH when, if you add more to it, it suddenly becomes "out of context." How many of you have gotten JUST John 3:16 (taken out of all context) thrown at you?


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