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Posts posted by fayt666

  1. I assume you're using the Wood kernel, in which case, you need to turn off soft reset and cheats.

    Tell me what cart you're using, and I'll do my best to help you out. If you happen to be using Wood (since carts running the Wood kernel are the only ones that seem to have this issue), shut off soft reset and cheats.

    By the way, for everybody, if you have cart issues, don't just post that it isn't working for you: tell us your cart, kernel, and exact problem. Chances are, I have a few solutions for you to try out.

    i am using the original dstt/ttds cart. i am able to play pokestations patches just not this sites patches so i read this site has somethin to do with id changes and error=4

    i tired 6.80 ttds

    6.80 ys menu

    i used wood firmware

    none work

  2. well i know nothing on it i read bout it on gbatemp but i not good without a video or pictures.

    this of gbatemp i did not do the tuturial and take no credit

    Same thing happened to the original Black and White, the following guide should help you. [guide edited to be relevant to Black 2 and White 2]

    "OK Here's how I got it to work in YSMENU.

    1. I used enDrypt to find the true game ID of the translated version of Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 by running the program with all it's files (the two eNDrypt files and Patch engine) in the same directory as the rom. I pressed 1 to encrypt and then did it again to decrypt so that the rom would have it's True game ID

    2. I used ttdt.exe to open extinfo and infolib to find the true game ID for the Clean Pokemon Black 2 and White 2.

    3. I replaced the game ID of the Clean Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 with the True game ID of the Translated Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 inside both the extinfo and infolib files found in your ttmenu folder.

    Here's what you need to do to play Translated Black/White.

    1. Place your translated rom inside the eNDrypts folder and run it as Administrator. Press 1, wait for it to finish encrypting, press any key, then press 1 again.

    2. Place the TTmenu folder inside you MicroSD card's root. I.E. the first thing you see when you navigate your Micro SD card. It should overwrite files. If it doesn't, you are doing something wrong or don't have DSTT or YSMENU.

    3. Run the translated rom the same way you would the untranslated rom.

    The untranslated file will most likely not work until you switch back your files."

    Good luck

    dunno if it fix the issue

  3. ok my roms crashing before it starts.

    i know it not my rom i was playing black2 white 2 before.

    why is it not working

    i got a pokestation patch working on my ds

    but this patch wont work my rom crashes

    is something different that doesnt let my flash card detect it?

    i read the progress ahead on this site so figure test it but not working at all :/

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