I had my HYPER GTS server up a few months back, I ended up using it for a short period of time. After having my router company (D-Link) open up all of my ports I was able to send the pokemon to different people, having my own server. Anyways, now I tried to re-open my server and it gives me this error message at the start of the DNS screen.
"Unable to get your IP automatically check your connection" When I type in my external IP address into it, works. Then I connect my DS and plug in the external IP it connects and sends to me. BUT when I try to get a friend to do it, it gives her error code:52100.
How can I fix this? Also if this is the wrong place to post this, kindly let me know and I'll delete it and move it. :bidoof:
Edit: I should also add that I called my ISP provider and they said all of my ports are open.