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Everything posted by kellogs767

  1. I think everybody can agree that this would be extremely helpful for everybody. I second this request!
  2. Hello everybody. I am in desperate need of a IV modifier code (to get the desired hidden power for certain pokemon). Sorry if this already exists; I searched using this site's search function but couldn't use it properly. I could only find this code for previous gens. I already have the max IV code for each stat (using these set of codes one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agDxAtWV5SY) <--(speed and sp def are mislabeled, for the labels for each code should be switched) If this code doesn't exist, it would be SO awesome if an experienced coder could help me out by tell me which characters need to be altered in each code to make the stat 30 instead of 31 (and possibly how to change the speed stat to 0 or 1 as well for trick room teams). I will love you forever and ever
  3. Hello everyone? Is there a code to to achieve minimum IVs (with each code adhering to each stat separately) rather than the popular MAX IV codes? This would be great for my trick room team:smile: Thanks!
  4. Hey y'all I would like to request a minimum IV code for each stat rather than the MAX IV ones. I want to make my trick room team as slow as possible Sorry if this code already exists; I tried searching for it but had no luck
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