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Everything posted by ascension7

  1. I figured it out. Thanks to you! Ok, what you do is decompress the ARM9 file with crystaltile. See, I had a theory that the palettes were programmed like mostly every other data set in the rom. Just in order of use. I opened the extracted ARM9 bin with a hex editor, and searched for 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 02 02. This is the palettes used for Bulbasaur-Blastoise, respectively. 00 refers to the first palette, and so on. It found one matching data string (this is when I got excited). Then I replaced the first three numbers with 00 01 02, just to test it out. Sure enough, when I put it back into the rom, Bulbasaur was yellow, and Venusaur was blue. I haven't tested it further. I literally just did this a few seconds ago. So if need be, I can elaborate. But it most definitely works!
  2. Hi everyone. I've been working on a HGSS hack, and I'm inserting a few fake Pokemon. I've figured out how to edit everything else, the overworld, battle sprites, data, etc. One thing still eludes me: how to change a Pokemon's icon in the menus and Pokedex. Now, I know how to change the icon itself, but I do not know how to change which palette it uses. I'm aware that each icon in the game has only three palettes to choose from, just as it was in gen 3. The data for which palette to use does not appear to be in the icon file itself, because I put Bulbasaur's icon in place of others that use a different palette, and Bulbasaur would change gold or blue, indicating the palette is set by some other means. I've tried searching through the hex, but admittedly, I'm a beginner, and I'm not quite sure what to search for. If anyone has any information on this, I would greatly appreciate it!
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