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About JejeZozo

  • Birthday 07/11/1993
  1. Keldeo smr2012 also distribute in Canada with DO: SMR2012 but also the French DO: ETE2012 all its canada. Can you get it?
  2. Keldeo smr2012 also distribute in Canada with DO: SMR2012 but also the French DO: ETE2012 all its canada. Can you get it?
  3. Hello, anyone has news or recovered for PYRAX distributed for Vgc2012 championships in Korea ?
  4. Hello, in addition to distributing Darkrai in Germany it is also distributed in FRANCE in store "Toys" R "Us from November 14, 2011 so if someone could retrieve her would be nice. Thanks http://www.p-pokemon.com/news/2238-event-pokemon-un-mauvais-reve-sabat-dans-les-toysrus-17-11-2011.html http://www.pokebip.com/pokemon/index.php
  5. Someone living in Germany to get the Darkrai? Thanks
  6. Hello, your code does not work on the global link English so I also wanted to know. Does anyone have codes for the global link mamochon German and English. thank
  7. Someone here will have it?
  8. Hello, As of October 1 and October 1 only, will be distributed "Zoroark" in intermarché 9 (Cora) different days during the same here are the Cora participant: Cora Anderlecht Cora Woluwe Cora Rocourt Cora Chatelineau Cora Messancy Cora La Louviere Cora Hornu Cora Siege Bertrange Cora Foetz Here's the info: - http://www.p-pokemon.com/pokemon/1993-Distribution-Zoroark-dans-les-Cora-en-Belgique.html - http://www.pokemontrash.com/1657-Zoroark-distribue-chez-Cora.html Thank you to the person who will get it.
  9. Hello , Here is information about the event Banette DW United States, distributed through a password in the magazine Nintendo Power. If somebody could contribute. Thank you. source: - http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/354.shtml - In The Games Department Pokémon Black & White - Banette and Togekiss Global Link Giveaways Nintendo has announced the first unique Pokémon distribution for Pokémon Black & White games in the US. This giveaway is a special Banette with its Hidden Ability of Cursed Body. This Pokémon is obtained via a password to be given in the next Nintendo Power issue and is accessible from yesterday until 1st of March 2012. Providing the password isn't a unique serial code seen in the Japanese versions, we'll provide it as soon as possible.
  10. I have many B/N version of several countries
  11. It is official 100 % looks at sources(springs) it is the site French which says to us quite evenements
  12. Hello everybody, Tomorrow in August 20th, 2011 will be Distributed CELEBI ("Poland") during the POKEMON DAY here is it is caracteristique: DOH: WIN2011 Level: 50 Kind(Genre): neutral Name: Celebi Pokeball: memory(report) Ball Held object: bay(berry) Jaboca Attacks: Tempeteverte, Machination, Care, Wish Care Source(Spring): http://www.p-pokemon.com/pokemon/1825-Pokemon-Day-annonce-par-Nintendo-en-Pologne-.html
  13. Hello, Voila I got back Crafty WORLD11!!! Here it is Guested edit: We are actually just interested in the pgf file, not pkm files. You can extract the pgf file from your sav file and contribute it in the Event Contribution thread. Thanks.
  14. Here is a present french :wink: here is zoroark and escargaume ETE2011 of the japan exhibition 2011 in Paris (ps: I have no karrablast) Guested edit: pgf files only, please.
  15. Hello everybody somebody would have Karrablast and shelmet event distributed in England to the " camp risk " is also Zoroark / Karrablast / shelmet distributed in Swiss ?? thanks
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