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About Lorshinator

  • Birthday 05/02/1995

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  1. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Oh you did not tell me you were using Bulk Up. Okay that explains everything. And seriously you are lacking Ice Pokemon? There's so many Ice Pokemon in the lower tiers: are you sure you don't want to use Froslass or Glaceon <3? I ran a defensive Glaceon once that actually survived Hitmontop's Close Combat (taking 81% though) and abusing Snow Cloak. If only it had high HP those defensive stats would not seem like a waste... but it is scary with that Blizzard in Hail. If I remember correctly, Abomasnow is now UU, which makes the set viable. Abomasnow + Walrein: now that thing's annoying if Prankster Pokemon with Taunt don't come in and ruin the day. Hey wanna try Glalie? I really like Lapras, or even Jynx. Cryogonal makes great support, and Regice is nigh unbreakable.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

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