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Everything posted by gaxxx

  1. Okay, thanks. But I still don't get why I just can't use pokesav to open a legit .pkm file and just change IV @ black/white. If I open a legit egg-file the PID should be fine as well I guess. And if I just change the IV @ Gen V it doesn't change anything about the PID, right? So it should work. But if I use pokegen, I open the egg.pkm file, change IV and then leave the PID blank? Will it generate a true one after being hatched?
  2. Okay so its useless atm to check with legit.exe, good to know. And if I find some PID via PID/IV finder @ pokesav? Are these still bad? So I asked this question on another topic but if I just change IV it shouldn't be noticeable, right? But if I change nature/ability/shinyness I have to get a valid PID from pokegen for example?! Thanks already for help!
  3. So I just got some eggs from my real and legit pkmns and want to change their stats without making them looking hacked. I use Pokesav and created .pkm files of my legit eggs, changed their IVs and resaved them into another .pkm file. Are those pkmn still legit? Because I did not change nature/ability/shinyness I should not changed anything around the PID, right? Legit.exe says valid as "hatched" to me. Are my pkmn still legit after they hatch? Are they even legit as an egg? Please someone be kind and answer my question =) Thanks in advance! Gaxxx
  4. So that means if I breed a Pokemon in Gen 5 and edit the egg via Pokesav I can change the IV, nature and ability and it will look still legit? I tried it with legit.exe and it says "Hatched" all the time. Pokesav changes the PID by itself when changing ability so I guess it uses correct ones.
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