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Darkus Feraligatr

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About Darkus Feraligatr

  • Birthday 06/16/1991
  1. Nintendo's server is experiencing some problems due to the earthquake + tsunami....
  2. So if i leave the PID box empty... it wil be done for me with no probs @ all ryt? Even if its a (pokétranfer) pokémon? Maybe I'll just beat the league and make all the 4th Gen Pokémon Eggs except legends....
  3. Thanks loads for the guide! I was stressing over the encounter type like crazy. I even thought that Pokégen somehow messes up my whole box :3 Cuz my Soul Silver had different encounter types (grass, cave, etc) But I got something to ask... Like when you make a (Pokétransfer) Pokémon..... Should the PID follow the rules of the previous Gen (nature included)? Cuz since it was "transferred" shouldn't it keep the 4th Gen PID?
  4. Axeus in the mistralton cave today
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