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About Supremxx

  • Birthday 08/22/1997
  1. hi can sum1 give me or teach me to makee a cheat since whenever i do i get the black/white screen of doom
  2. umm the cheats dont work i get a white screen when i turn it on
  3. hi i just wanted to ask 2 questions 1: wats the progess of the translate soo far last time u said 95% so is ir done now? 2: is their any cheat files since whenever i try to use one i went the white screen of doom help with this plz
  4. im got the game to work(updating my firmware) but i cant seem to use cheats whenever i tick one and start the game it goes to a black screen anyone got a solution for this.
  5. it doesnt work for me i have a clean rom i patch it with blackbeta2.patch and put it to the root of my sd card ( i use m3 ds real with m3sakura firmware) then when i click the game it loads and taks me to a black screen and doesnt load am i doing it wrong or is this a bug, if anyone else had this problem can they hlelp me fix
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