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Everything posted by Jonesy47

  1. Some npcs and, I THINK, a majority of the white forest. Other than that, Im fairly sure its almost done which is, quite frankly, AMAZING. Almost unbelievable how fast its been getting done. It makes actual companies look like lazy bastards in their localizing efforts. THOSE people get paid to do it and still dont get it done NEAR as fast as this.
  2. I read a WHILE back that no$gba hasn't been updated in a while and isn't supposed to work very well with pokemon white and black. Most people will tell you desmume works better.
  3. Im trying desperately to learn how to use github so I can actually help out. I hope I can figure this out because revising this would be fun.
  4. Some flash carts dont work. Some do. It seems like a lot of cards need either a patch or installation of the wood os. And just because nobody answers, doesn't mean you're being ignored. See, I dont have an acekard 2i, thus I kept my mouth shut because I really dont have any useful information for you. Would you have rather someone just said "Sorry, I dont know what your problem is. Good Luck!" It's not exaclty a helpful response and nobody really owes it to you to tell you they dont know what your problem is.
  5. Error: Old woman NPC in Karakosa Town Middle Town area says: Pokemon strive to the limits[bREAK] of their power for people's sake.[bREAK] And people love Pokemon in return.[bREAK] It's a mutual relationship![bREAK] That's what I think.[bREAK] Should be: Pokemon strive to push the[bREAK] limits of their power for us,[bREAK] and people love Pokemon in return.[bREAK] It's a mutual relationship![bREAK] That's what I think.[bREAK]
  6. Is there a thread or a place specifically for grammatical error reports, ie, mis-spellings or missed line breaks because, as Im sitting down to play this seriosuly, Im noticing quite a few (which is understandable and COMPLETELY acceptable, aside from the fact that it doesn't make the game any less playable) and i would LOVE to help out. Could a moderator start a thread for that specific purpose? Error: NPC in Karakosa Town Pokecenter, lower left-hand area of the room says: Save your gasme to make sure you don't[bREAK] forget everything that's happened...[bREAK] That'll allow you to take breaks.[bREAK] should be: Save your game to make sure you don't[bREAK] forget everything that's happened...[bREAK] That'll allow you to take breaks.[bREAK]
  7. Works fine on SuperCardDsTwo but on SuperCardDsOnei, it now freezes after you choose what language you want (no matter what language you choose). I wouldnt mention this aside from the fact that I could have SWORN all the patches up until v5 (official version) worked on the SuperCardDsOnei. It's really weird.
  8. Before I go crazy, what are the differences between the kata and normal version of the patch? EDIT: Is it only the name of the pokemon themselves or does it effect gameplay somehow?
  9. AH HA HA HA!!!! YES!!! You guys are the best fan translation team I've ever seen (and I've been an avid fan of fan translations for about 11 years now)!!! Your progress is amazing and yet, you're so humble as well! Thank you guys SOOOOOOO much!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!
  10. A person on the project (NSSVelocity) has said they slated the v5 release for Halloween, October 31st. It was a tentative release date given by a few working on it and that's why I said it COULD be out, not that it WILL be out. If you had read the thread, you might understand. Instead, you jumped to a conclusion. SOURCE, Page 32 In case you dont check the date of the original post, that was 6 days ago.
  11. v2 of the unofficial v5 patch. The supercard dsone is using default files from months ago.
  12. You made a mistake. i just tried v2 of the unofficial v5 on Supercard DSOne. Works Fine.
  13. If it does, awesome! If not, it's still awesome. Either way, at the rate this is going, it seems like at least a ROUGH translation of the game should be done before 2011. I could be wrong but, with so many people on the project, Id be very surprised if i was. *DISCLAIMER: I am totally guessing based on past progress. Dont get your hopes up. At least progress is progress, even if it never gets done, what we have is STILL amazing.
  14. Hmmmm....what does this mean? You're both using the same patch and experiencing different levels of translation? I love the idea of github and god knows its helping the collaboration but it seems confusing for a lot of people. Anyways, keep up the awesome work guys! Can't wait the next official patch!
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