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About Kaarosu

  • Birthday 11/12/1986

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  1. Catching up with adding the friend codes that have been posted Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 4
  2. Added all the people who have replied so far. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 4
  3. Added all that have posted so far Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 4
  4. Seems like a good idea seeing as how most are getting their games tomorrow this is my info: Kaarosu 0619-3719-6949
  5. Weird... I'll take note of that and will be fixed soon thanks!
  6. replace the xdelta.exe you have with the one provided in the patch.
  7. For all those of you asking about v4, hopefully with two days is our eta. We focused on fixing what was reported to us typos/bugs. soneek has been playing through the game to get a better context of the story until pokestar last I checked. And remember we are doing this on our spare time, we have lives too So there you go, now try to get along haha
  8. Siempre parche un juego que no tinene otros parches 'clean copy' que la llamamos en ingles
  9. Estoy haciendo mucho progresso con la tradduccion al ingles con suerte tendremos un v4 dentro de 24-48 horas si quieren actualizarse en el github
  10. are you using v3? we reverted that file to fix this error. If you still have that save before putting the code in please send it to me through a PM or something so I can see if it's working properly or not
  11. Thanks will fix that i have same problem what should i do? Please make sure to use the included xdelta.exe as well not the old one from previous patches
  12. It will be more awesome I'm actually putting my hands on the story git this time to help out soneek so translating stuff that i know as i see it while looking for the typos/errors that have been reported Def trying, I don't have one of those flashcarts that are having that issue but we'll see how it goes. You just have to make sure to keep the names of your .sav file the same as the game
  13. Are you guys using the included xdelta.exe as well? that seems to be the issue with most i've seen with this problem.
  14. won't be today, we're trying to work out bugs/fix typos and t he such before moving on to a v4. Can't sacrifice quality for speed... well you can but we just don't want to.
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