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Everything posted by Barmy

  1. It was definitely my public IP, not my local "192" IP. Shiny GTS didn't log anything at all.
  2. It doesn't seem to be working for me. I have started the DNS Server, begun the GTS Service sending a single valid 5th Gen .pkm file, forwarded Port 80 on both TCP and UDP, and then told someone outside of my network to try connecting using the IP that Shiny GTS displays next to "Get IP" (which I also clicked to ensure was current). Everyone who tried - all of whom are outside my network - received the Error 52100. Are there any other Ports I should forward, or anything else I can test, to get this program working?
  3. It worked for me. I used the DNS it told me to in both Primary and Secondary slots. As long as IR-GTS says "Ready to send" when you try and connect in-game, there shouldn't be a problem... the only time I had a "Communication Error" message was when I forgot to confirm my Pokemon selection in IR-GTS. Am I to assume that there is currently no way to use this program to do mass-distributions over the GTS? I did a fair few GTS Giveaways using HyperGTS back in 4th Gen, but looking at this I'm guessing that isn't possible just yet in BW? Great program either way. edit:... having just said that, it is now hanging and giving a "Communication Error" during the "Checking GTS..." stage in-game. Strange, because IR-GTS reports that the connection is established.
  4. Right, so I don't have to bother hatching them "just to be sure" then? If it isn't ticked shiny, it isn't going to be when it hatches? Speaking of PokeGen, can I open a .sav file with it, or does it only take .pkms? I've never used it so I wouldn't know.
  5. Hope this is the right section for this. I'm currently giving the Masuda Method a try for hatching shiny Pokemon in BW, since apparently the odds are much better this time around. To speed the process up a bit I've just been opening my .sav in PokeSav, opening the Egg's "Edit" page and looking to see if the "Shiny" checkbox is ticked. It has just occured to me, though, that perhaps an Egg won't show up as Shiny in PokeSav prior to being hatched, due to how shininess is only determined once a PID has been matched to a particular ID/SID (which is why a Pokemon might hatch Shiny on one game, but hatch not-shiny on another). Am I right in thinking this? Or would PokeSav automatically tick the "Shiny" box prior to Egg being hatched? Thanks
  6. Hey guys, new to the forum and ROM hacking in general, and I'm just wondering if PPRE has any functionality for editing trainer AI levels? I've seen a few Platinum hacks floating around claiming to have upped the "intelligence" of trainers as the game progresses, but so far Googling has turned up no results.
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