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Everything posted by SeanStar

  1. Alright, well, I suppose I'll give you that. Fact is, we are going to have to choose consistent names or this will severely confuse people. And I know you browse this thread VERY frequently, vgboy.. Yet, it's almost impossible for us to contact you regarding the project. If you would stop by in the irc channel every once in a while, that would help. The channel is: https://03.chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.bitsjointirc.net%2FBWTranslation or irc.bitsjointirc.net:6667 #BWTranslation
  2. Probably the unofficial v5, and the reason for this is because with vgboy's updates, he put in a lot of the unofficial english names.
  3. Interesting, but I see it works on your cart (As you said in later post).. so I have no idea.
  4. Not entirely sure on that, but I'm sure they will release the Kata version and the regular.
  5. It is up to ancient castle. I'll update with what you have now. Thanks vgboy. Also, there is an irc channel that we can talk in.. it's on one of the first three posts of this thread. EDIT: I'm looking at these updates, and wishing I never beat him to translating it. rofl. He re-did some of the stuff I already did for him a couple days ago. EDIT2: Looks like not all of my translating was worthless, still have the top part of story/0000/0166.txt! EDIT3: Here it is. UNOFFICIAL V5, with vgboy's supposed 100% update UNOFFICIAL V5 Black-NewLogo3 http://www.mediafire.com/?pr1afa3mai8hmr4 UNOFFICIAL V5 White-NewLogo3 http://www.mediafire.com/?4z89l6o5a4rezdq Credit to this update, obviously to vgboy. Thanks! NOTE: This is going to be my final update to the unofficial patches.. You're going to have to wait until the OFFICIAL V5 for anything more updated than this!
  6. I just went through and combined vgboy's and soneek's repo's into a combined repo with the most updated stuff.. I would say the MAJORITY of the story is done. We are expected to have 100% done by the 31st with V5. If there is a V6, then it will just probably be fixes and revisions to V5. Progress has been going excitingly fast since vgboy joined the project. On a side note.. Why the heck not.. UNOFFICIAL Black-NewLogo Updated: http://www.mediafire.com/?7ecfef7mgnf2mdl UNOFFICIAL White-NewLogo Updated: http://www.mediafire.com/?4un6tma80akmtb1 An update to my previous unofficial patch. Credit to the update is to soneek and vgboy mainly. I grabbed both their repo's and combined them for the most updated stuff. Manually went through each file..
  7. There shouldn't be any problem with the patch, I would either try patching it again, or going to the 5th option down in game, switching it to kanji, then back to english. Sometimes that works. You may need to exit the options menu and come back to it to change it to english again.
  8. Hmm, glad to see people are actually using the patch? Didn't take but a second to make.. but I'm glad at least some people enjoy it. Even if it is unofficial.
  9. Funny you should ask that, it seemed to differ slightly when I used the rom with cheats on my AK2i clone.
  10. I'm not going to put a change log, because it's unofficial. I have no idea, see for yourself.
  11. Can we post unofficial patches? If so.. Unofficial V5 Black-NewLogo: http://www.mediafire.com/?ufpzv30vu9i7pbe Unofficial V5 White-NewLogo: http://www.mediafire.com/?0spna7qp5btlb1d Cbf with Kata versions or old logo variations.. This is a patch of the current GitHub repositories. (Some of which translated by me) Credits go to everyone listed on the second post of this thread.. Enjoy, I guess.
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