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Everything posted by Soulv

  1. is it possible to have access to dream world with rom? I'm kind of confused with the high link and stuff..
  2. i faced a big problem here. my black version is unable to go wireless club to trade but my white version is able to go in. For the black version, after entering the room, it will just remain black screen.. anyone face the same problem as mine?
  3. Sorry having trouble here. I encountered white screen finally =.=. From the trouble shooter, i seems the only problem to get white screen are.. i didn encrypt properly OR i used the v3 /v2 patch thing. What i wanted to know is which is patch v2 and v3? And i can only run the game on YSmenu is this normal? When i tried to run without YS, i tried tick and untick but instead of japanese word boxes in middle, i only have 2? so i tried tick the 2nd one and also without. It gives me error-5.. Im using DSTT btw
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