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About SpikeVanHellsing

  • Birthday 06/06/1988
  1. well, i have wifi but no original ds or ds light. Just Dsi xl. Additional hardware? like what?
  2. ok so i did the whole thing in the first post, but im still confused. I dont know what firmware or what ever is on my ar dsi. but i want to make a save of my black/white versions and i am told everytime that there isnt cartridge inserted when there is. i also have a micro sd card that i got just for maing and editing save files. so i am wondering is there any other way to make a save file with or with out the use of the ar dsi?
  3. I have noticed that if you press the down arrow key a few things disappear. Main tab: the nickname, egg, and shiny check boxes and words; Met tab: matching trainer info, fateful encounter, and as egg check boxes; Stats tab: manual stats check box and words; and OT/Misc tab: the markers check boxes and words. They all return once you change to and from another tab. also changing tabs makes it not happen anymore or on other tabs.
  4. you mean the one in your sig? cus i have version 3.0.3 right now.
  5. oh ok. well how about adding the option to save boxes? i think this would be a lot faster instead of saving each pokemon individually.
  6. would it make your decision any different if i did get the dialog box and code to work?
  7. Still wouldn't hurt to try would it?
  8. well, what about this? what if i where to do the initial coding for this idea and you finalize it and add it to the program? i took a coding class, using Visual Basic, in college. i think i can get it to work because it will mostly be if then code. i can send it to you when i have it done and you can let me know of any changes to be made. if you can make the button inplace of the scroll box i can try and make the window that opens up.
  9. i was editing a few .pkm files, so i have back ups if something happens to my game , and i happen to think that it may be nice to have the ribbons have their own dialog box. What i mean is when you go to the ot/misc tab instead of having the scroll box have a button that opens them up in a new window showing all of them in a grid pattern. Also if each ribbon had its own check box and a check box that when checked selects all the ribbons but we can still unselect any certain ribbon. also having the description of each ribbon when hovered over. i could do a quick mock-up in paint if required and post it here. let me know what you think.
  10. I may be posting this in the wrong place i don't know. If so please just move to the right place. I've looked everywhere and i can't find a pokesav version for both pokemon black and white. I want to be able to do everything like i used to in the diamond and pearl version. Anyone know where i can get it?
  11. ok thanks. ive messaged codr once already so ill ask weh i hear back. thanks again.
  12. thanks. hey any idea where i should post a guestion about pokegen? i posted one before this one but i would asume it was taken down.
  13. well since im new ill do as the thread says. i am a 22 yo male. i have been playing pokemon since the days of red, blue, and yellow. my name is not important but i go by spike. i currently still have my original pokemon yellow version as well as both diamond an pearl. if there is anything else you want to know jus message me or what ever.
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