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Everything posted by ChaoticKItten

  1. Some of the pokemon moves are still messed up; fly says you're rage is building (or something similar) instead of "flew up high" and there's a line break right after your pokemon's name that shouldn't be there. There's other little issues like that too, but I noticed these in bed at like 1am, so I didn't make note. I'll let you know if I find them again.
  2. Rah, I'm back, what's been going on while I was away? I see we have a new patch out.
  3. Aw I like Hobomoe; it made me giggle. lol Good work on keeping the change log, it'll stop some people whining, for now.
  4. Bahaha. That letter is worth it's weight in gold I'd imagine.
  5. Did you patch a clean rom? Try repatching... this is the first report of this particular issue I've seen... Using the newest version of Desmume?
  6. Not on this site you can't... there's other sites you could check out though. Google is your friend. Also; just save your clean one and make a copy before you patch. Problem solved.
  7. *snickers* Anyway, that same thing has been posted before, did you get it from google or just translate it directly? You need to make sure it makes sense when there's multiple words ie. Plasma group should be Team Plasma.
  8. Lol. Stop fighting about who said what. Just don't discuss anything illegal. ALSO: download the EXP patch if you're not getting any exp. and for anyone having issues with it not displaying the english correctly go to the ingame options and switch it over there
  9. Not sure if it'll help but you should upgrade to wood 1.13 there's a union room fix around here somewhere too,
  10. honestly, if you'e using AR codes to walk through walls, wouldn't just just cheat the badges in anyway? lol
  11. REPORT ERRORS: http://kazowar.pbworks.com/Submit-Errors REPORT TYPOS: http://kazowar.pbworks.com/Submit-Typos
  12. They only just finished the patch, give it a minute... jeezus
  13. Be patient guys, v1 will be out shortly so there's not much point uploading the beta patches again. Can you wait a few hours?
  14. 0000/0347 This is the pokemon center text; my ex translated it, but I'm not sure if he got it perfect because he's never played pokemon so didn't know the context, though it should be accurate at least seeing as he IS Japanese. Lol Original text
  15. Fantastic work guys. ^.^ Hope that pokemon center text wasn't too much of a pain, I'd have gone over it myself but I've never used the union rooms and wifi etc so I didn't even know what it should end up looking like. Also; could someone please help the italians with actually MAKING their patch? They've just been getting ignored in here and I feel kinda bad for them. lol
  16. Pretty sure that's right, for the battle subway.
  17. 0000/0347 My ex's native language is Japanese, but he's never played pokemon, he translatd it as best he could, might have mixed a little of it up and got completely lost towards the end, the line breaks and stuff messed him up a bit too... but yeah here's the pokemon centre text if anyone wanted to have a go through and finish it.
  18. But you'd think things like "would you like to use strength?" would be in the main text
  19. I don't, no. But here's the story section of the git; the 0001 folder is the kanji folder. http://github.com/projectpokemon/Pokemon-Black-White-Story-Translation-Files/tree/master/0001/
  20. I'm not done, just having a break. I'll edit this post when I do more. Also; it's probably not 100% accurate... sorry.
  21. It'll work if you trade them to someone then trade them back... huge amount of effort; I know, but yeah.
  22. o.0 This is a pain, there's so many different pokemon center texts... Good Morning! Hello! etc... grr And Pokeruss text too... bleh... *goes and pesters ex to help*
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