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About digidog08

  • Birthday 06/22/1991
  1. I'm Post #1000 and I'm happy for the patch! (Btw, this post gave me an infraction, but i guess it was worth it...)
  2. I wish I could like this like a facebook status...
  3. I just fixed my mirror. Apparently Dropbox doesn't like all the traffic it's getting from my mirror
  4. Sometimes you may need to wait a sec or refresh the window, then it will come up. I am using a fresh install of Windows 7 x64 with the framework installed and have been able to patch a rom 14 times now. Make sure you are using a completely clean rom, and make sure the rom is in the same directory of the xDelta Gui (which I think you do in this case)
  5. Use the register link on the front page. EDIT: I just added the register link to each of those pages also.
  6. And you did try to install the MS Framework or Run as Administrator?
  7. If it's the "The application failed to initialize properly" Error when trying to use xDelta GUI: You need to install Microsoft's .NET Framework. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7
  8. If any one finds any errors (of any kind) please submit them here: http://kazowar.pbworks.com/Submit-Errors If any one finds any typos please submit them here: http://kazowar.pbworks.com/Submit-Typos This will help in making sure that errors aren't overlooked or repeatedly posted (since thread has a new page like every hour) Thanks!
  9. You need to install Microsoft's .NET Framework. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7
  10. Attention Everyone asking for xDelta GUI, you can get it from the "For Both" Pack from my site. It includes the most updated patches also.
  11. Thanks * strikeout line* I was wondering when I would start seeing posts asking about story! *has an HGSS flashback*
  12. Done. It contains the xDelta Gui and both patches.
  13. Okay, I added a register link to the site. Weird, don't know Why it wasn't there!
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