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Everything posted by Danniello

  1. Encontrei um bug na beta 2, versao white (nao testei black), no menu onde mostra os seis pokemons que temos, quando selecionamos um deles, em vez de aparecer status, item, etc aparece texto errado.
  2. Ainda estou a espera que alguem me diga se quer a minha ajuda.. Não vale a pena usar o post inicial para ver o que ja esta feito pois isso nao me parece actualizado. E usar programas, isso é pra esquecer, para estarem a fazer traducoes automaticas mais vale jogar em inglês.
  3. Olá! Reparei agora nisto, eu ao inicio começei a fazer a minha propria tradução para portugues, mas depois decidi ajudar na traducao em ingles e esperar que essa tivesse acabada para continuar. Mas agora que a outra ja esta mais ou menos avançada, gostava de ajudar nesta =)
  4. For all the people using machine translations, please at least try to fix the text yourself, don't just copy paste it. Otherwise, most of it is non-sense, I doubt it has any use to us.
  5. One more translation here, this one is the text that appears in the main menu when you select Continue, asking if you want to use the C-GEAR 0023.txt Edit: One more, CGEAR menu I think 0024.txt Some trouble with "C-GEAR キャッチ", translated with to 'catch' if some one could help with a better translation.
  6. One more, this one is useful for Random Battles on Wi-Fi. The most important part is correctly translated, however I mostly ignored the part about tournaments (used google translation for that, and fixed here and there a bit) 210.txt Kaarosu, that file you're doing now, it's actually very easy to translate, I did translate one similar to that (pokemon used attack, foe pokemon used attack, etc), but in Portuguese (I will send this later). There's just 3 different sets of lines, I did it very fast with just "replace all" in the text editor.
  7. I've downloaded the files from the repository, and I'm now working in a Portuguese translation. If anyone wants to help, just send me a PM. Some questions, what about the length of the text? English is more verbose than japonese, and Portuguese even more. I'm trying to do the translation using short words as possible, but I'm afraid some text will break in the game.
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