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Everything posted by StrawHat89

  1. Apparently I'm doing it wrong (which means I forgot to do it, like an idiot, because I've patched using xDelta for Tales of Innocence and various other patches before). Someone mind PMing me about how to do this (since I'm going to class and sure as hell this will have moved like 10 pages past by the time I get back). It keeps throwing a "xdelta 3: not a VCDIFF input: XD3_Invalid_Input" at me. Picking Blackbeta2.patch as patch (obviously), and a supposedly clean Pocket Monsters Black (a backup created after patching the original) as the source file. Edit: Nevermind. Screwed around a bit more and found out my version of xDelta was a bit outdated. Got it working with KAZO's link. Herpaderp.
  2. I kind of don't see the point, unless you mean in Kana/Kanji, where I STILL don't see the point really. The names are romanized, yeah, but that's still the Japanese naming because no one knows the English pokemon names.
  3. Just give them time, man. It's pretty clear that the translation is coming along well. I, for one, would very much prefer they take their time in making sure the battles and menus come together correctly.
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