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Posts posted by SilentFox

  1. Conference Side Rushden and Diamonds Hire a Manger who wont even use his real name....

    Press conference at 5

    "Ugh ,now i have to actually go to work ...."

    Oddly one of my assistants was there to pick me up but nothing was said... boring lad he is..

    I felt sick,That's how I felt getting up .... that's actually how I still feel entering the office.

    "Ah your the new manager good to see you I..."

    "SilentFox sir" I said

    "...yeah .... that" he told me to sit down that was the chairman of the club. He's a bit short on words and bumbles around but hes a fine boss.... as long as coffee doesn't spill on you.

    " We expect a good showing this season, Now I know the preseason friendlies haven't gone your way but their against much more prestigious opponents don't get your trousers in a bunch too much lad"

    "How you say ..... very cheeky?" I said as I didn't believe I was getting tense

    "Um .... I was joking" said the chairman very bluntly.

    "I'm sorry sir , I don't feel all that well" I said sheepishly.

    "well off to see your squad" He said ... a bit awkwardly as he bangs his knee on the table.

    "ok... see you"

    "Yeah yeah...."

    Before that ,I looked at the clock; IT WAS FIVE ....

    So I ran down the hall just like a hare, I think I may of tripped someone and knocked over a few people but I got there in time.

    Question Here for Ian Davies of the Rushden Sentinel: SilentFox, Where do you think Rushden and Diamonds will end up this season

    SilentFox: Isn't that what you guys are for predictions. I only think about the fixture ahead,

    one game at a time.

    Micky Thomas here for the Morning Sun: Do you think that Matt Jones is still the unquestioned leader of the team?

    SilentFox: Of Course I do, When the going got rough last season he pulled everyone together and you guys remember the 25 save game yes?

    Jamey Ricard for Sky Sports: I hear you've been having problems getting transfers though why is that?

    SilentFox: Nothing to be concerned about it's just some work permits that need to be approved.

    "Is that all" I said

    I found out that these press conferences take hours but I actually didn't mind Rushden is a conference side after all most of any criticism comes locally so I wont have too rough a go of it I hope.

    From there I called the boys up for a Team meeting

    Heres the Starting 11 boys












    Subs- Jenkins,Peterling,Eastly,Fornot,Bordon

    No one argued .... I was surprised

    Jones "jonesy" as his teammates called him wanted to speak to me though.

    "Gaffer I want to tell you I won't let you down ... I heard you back there not bad for a savage"

    ".... Russians are not savages, Anyways I really hope so your 36 now not much time left comrade"

    "Yeah I know, me and the boys are heading out .... this ok?"

    "For now yeah .... We've done our training, I spoke, What else must I do, I'll let you guys go for now.

    "For now? Where are you playing at" he said Confused

    "Well Its my first day and I don't want to be so "communist" so go ahead before I change my mind "

    "Want to come"

    "I'll be designated driver" I said

    Didn't want to tarnish my image by getting drunk you know.

    I still don't understand england and the FA rules but I will in time only qualifications I had is having my UEFA Super License.

    I'm not in russia anymore... am I .... "Cheers" .... I guess

    </End Pilot>

  2. In shoddy yesterday, I, Wraith, and bob started talking about Fire Emblem and some weird stats I got amongst some other things

    Just wondering if anyone else here played any of the Fire Emblem games

  3. I would like better typing and pokemon based of the true elemental look

    even a grass/ghost would work... a evil looking plant with a will-o-wisp surrounding it

    ability wispy wonder (Can not be burned) due to the fact that the will-o-Wisp surrounding it protects it

    More dark types


    A evil magician looking humanshape poke

    Ability Psycho Mantis( Occasionally attacks that are super effective miss)

    Some Moves Like

    Incantation (Ghost move) Randomly lowers one stat and 2-16 pp from a move from the opponent

    Flutes' Melody Confuses the foe and has a 20% chance of sleep being induced

  4. Hello Its silent here to tell you .... just type weaknesses


    .... You might want cut this down ...

    Steel walls you unless heatran enters which the water type says bye to

    ... I know It doesn't help much but gross just told you what pokes your weak to ... so even though some weaknesses are mostly one poke other types such as fire have multiple potential kills on this team

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