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Posts posted by Patchworks

  1. I've just double checked it.

    I'm not sure why it's writing it. I have to manually change it either in hex or pokesav. otherwise it shows up as "apparently met" and will fail legit checks

    sorry for the massive cut, i dont like the picture size limit here. And I am not tearing your program down, I think it's very well made and quite useful, I just want to bring to attention that it is messing up for some unknown reason. I am sure it's 2.1 and the egg box was unchecked as you saw

    non egg.PNG




  2. Yesterday I went through testing it. I created a bunch of different pokemon and I noticed that it was saving egg data when the egg box was unchecked. While this may not be a huge problem, it was confusing the legality checker causing pokemon like drifloon to be considered Common GBA when they were not introduced until gen IV games.

  3. All methods meaning any way to edit the .pkm can create the same outcome. no program is superior over the other. And yes, I have looked at your program, and while I do like some aspects of it, there are easier ways for some to create said pokemon. I'm sure you figured out where the game looks for the spiky ear'd variable just like I did. I'm just commenting that both programs are good for different things.

    You're not the only coder on here <3

  4. That isn't entirely true. Different Pokemon will correspond to different types. In most cases they will be either Type 1 or Type 2. The other types are also used. For example, Type 4 is commonly used for GBA events.

    I would like to see where a Type 2 algorithm comes out legal. I believe you, I would just like to know the circumstances that provide for it.

  5. The type # of the algorithm you chose makes no difference. Just as long as the class number matches the number of possible Abilities, the Pokémon will appear legit.

    Untrue. Let me show you the difference

    Kyogre has one ability. Drizzle. Meaning Class 1 or 2 will make no difference.

    Kyogre using type1 algorithm


    Checks out legal


    Using a type 2 algorithm


    Does not check out and is illegal


    You MUST pick a Type1 Algorithm or your pokemon ( for the NDS ) will never come out legal.

  6. I have this Palkia and I am not too sure why it's saying "unknown or hacked".

    I am pretty sure it's because of the PID...can anyone find me how to make this look legit?

    If I need to change the PID...let me know because I've tried the IV/PID program to get the PID for this specific case and it kept saying it couldn't find any.

    I'd like to keep the perfect IVs and timid nature.


    Change your secret ID 42368 and re-do the IV generation.

  7. Um.. I'd rather not drop speed, drop attack if you're dropping anything (I know that when it gets to high 20s theres a legal value there, I've done it on shoddy before)

    The highest IV's I can do for that pokemon that will be legal are




  8. I've fixed your totodile for you, the Special Def has to be a multiple of 8 and the nature you want has to be in the Type1 section of your PID Generator. So I made it the lowest I could while retaining it's gender. As for the evolution. Stats are calculated after the pokemon levels, so I believe you are able to level it to whatever level and simply change it into it's next evolution. The game will change it's base stats by itself, so don't mess with those, and the stats will even out.



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