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Everything posted by MercSavage

  1. Wondering if anyone knew the code to see or to change your Secret ID? Also looking for the walk through walls code. But actually want to find one that works and that has been tested. Thanks.
  2. The code was FCFF (L+R) I entered it in the Code Manager but still nothing.
  3. My Pokesav Codes aren't working. Usually I press L+R when I used the ARDS But I'm using AR DSi now. How do I get my codes to work?
  4. Alright Well I re-did my codes for the 3 pokemon and i also checked the Max Money code that came with the AR DSi And I pressed L+R and only the Money Code worked. Does anybody know what I should do?
  5. I had AR for my DS Lite and I bought the DSi recently and so I bought the DSi AR version so that I could use it for Soul Silver. But recently I tried it out and the codes aren't working in the game. Usually I pressed L+R to activate the code for the AR DS and it worked but now I try it with my DSi version and nothing happens. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or what button combo activates said code?? I'm just trying to add 3 pokemon to my party like I've done dozens of times and I want to try out the "Walk anywhere" Code Thanks everyone.
  6. Is it possible if someone can add all the areas from the Johto and Kanto Regions so that our pokemon can look more legit?
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