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About Chrpica

  • Birthday 10/20/1989
  1. In combat, I hate any pokemon whose sole purpose is to annoy me. Toxic, Confusion, Sleep, Miss, RRRR they drive me mad! In the anime though, Mankeys are annoying.
  2. More of an evolution, but I'd like to see a Normal-type Eevee evolution. I like most of Eevee's types, but it's usually a tough choice which I want to have in my party (as I usually transfer an Eevee over from another game to start with). A normal type would be nifty, maybe give it a wide range of elemental attacks.
  3. Well, I doubt anyone worries about them like real beings. I care about what I do on many games, because it takes a long time to get there, so it's more of a time investment I'm caring about.
  4. I don't remember my first 100, but it was in Blue. Probably my Venusaur. My first in DPPt was Scizor I believe, that or Haunter.
  5. Not all mews had certificates- the one at the event I got mine at didn't hand them out.
  6. Caught all of them, legit too. Traded with my friend who had Red and got Mew at an event. Highlight of my gaming career- haven't caught 'em all since. Almost 500 is too many for me in one game.
  7. I like my Blue "Dream Team"- Venusaur (My first), Blastoise, Charizard, Pidgeot, Mewtwo, Mew. Luckily my Blue cartridge hasn't wiped, so I recreated my Venusaur on my Platinum and just pretend it's the same one. )
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