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Posts posted by M@T

  1. The program is nearly finished, I am making some tests now, to see if it handles properly every kind of requests (except searching a Pokémon).

    @ madaruwode : I always release the source code with my programs, don't worry. :wink:

    PS : Before starting to deal with fake GTS & DNS servers, I didn't know Python at all, but it made me discover this language and it is quite easy actually. :redface:

    EDIT : I'm going to eat, I will probably release the program in 1 hour or less.

  2. I am currently making a VB.NET program that acts as a GTS server, allowing users to deposit/retrive a Pokémon and saving a .pkm of every Pokémon it receives (but no "search" function yet, so no real trading).

    It is based on my SendPKM.exe program and on イーブイ's fake_gts.py.

    It works fine, I just have to modify some things and I post it.

  3. That was the first version of my DNS server.

    In the current version (I kept developping it), I put a timeout :

    ReDim rr(511)
    s = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)
    s.ReceiveTimeout = 2000
    s.SendTimeout = 2000
    s.Connect(DEFAULT_DNS_SERVER, 53)
    s.Send(r, lngRcv, SocketFlags.None)
    lngSnd = s.Receive(rr, SocketFlags.None)
    ReDim Preserve rr(lngSnd)

    Don't know if it'll help, as I've never had that problem, but it should throw an error if it times out, so the program should loop and keep receiving connections.

  4. ~ Wild Shiny without a change of nature.

    ~ Make shiny pokemons in pc without a nature's change.

    Do you know what is PID and how are calculated nature and shininess ?

    Modifying PID to make a Pokémon shiny has 24 chances over 25 to change its nature, and modifying a shiny Pokémon's nature will remove its shininess, that's why the codes you are asking are very hard to make.

  5. yea can some one figure out the shiny marking code... it would be a very helpful code...

    or something that makes a select pokemon permanently shiny...

    Try this code :

    Marking a Pokémon makes it shiny :

    1206F04A 00004800

    0206F04C 023C0B91

    1206F050 00004700

    023C0B90 88049800

    023C0B94 88BE8845

    023C0B98 407788FF

    023C0B9C 0A24407C

    023C0BA0 407D70C4

    023C0BA4 407D2707

    023C0BA8 B0147005

    023C0BAC 46C0BDF8

  6. hey, i've been having lots of trouble with GTS_nuker. The problem is that When i try to "check gts status" it quickly give me an error screen, like the DS won't eve connect to my computer. IPs are correct, and both the fake GTS program and the Send PKM program are open. What do i have to do?

    Do you see some logs on the console of the programs ?

  7. DNS server is getting requests, that's a beginning.

    When you do a port 80 check on your IP, is SendPKM.exe showing an error saying that it got a wrong request ?

    If nothing happens, then try the method I told you, open TCP only for port 80 instead of "Both".

    That worked for me with port 53, it didn't work when I opened both TCP and UDP, but I solved it by opening UDP only, idk why.

  8. Thanks. So when i used it and entered my ip i got a What do i do then?

    I said it already :

    "DNS server started on" only means that the socket was successfully bound on the port 53 of your computer, this is NOT the equivalent of sendpkm.py's "Please set your DS's DNS server to" (for example).

    This was more for debugging purpose actually.

    So, step by step, you must :

    - Know your external IP address, go here to have it for example

    - Launch DNS_Server.exe, and input that IP when asked

    - You are done with the DNS part, now start SendPKM.exe with a 236-byte .pkm or .bin file (you can drag and drop it on the .exe, that's much easier). It should say that it is ready and waiting for a connection.

    That's all.

    If both UDP port 53 and TCP port 80 are forwarded and reachable from the Internet, then any person who sets your external IP as his DS's primary DNS server and connects to the GTS should receive the .pkm you chose.

    But remember that it may not work when connecting with a DS in the same network, in that case you have to replace your external IP by your computer's private IP in both DNS_Server.exe and your DS's DNS settings.

  9. riolu could you work on the code for rebatle latios from the enigma stone event please i will thank you so much my friend

    I already posted it here.

    Umm your codes has a few typos in it.

    [A2000010] should be [94000130]

    [F7FF0000] should be [FFF70000]

    [FBFF0000] should be [FFFB0000]

    No, you're wrong, my codes don't have any typo or whatever.

    Line [A2000010] is not an activator at all, it checks if the 16-bit value at 0x02000010 masked with 0x0800 is different from 0, i.e. its 5th bit is 1.

    That's a trick I invented to simulate an AND operation, cuz I dunno how to perform an AND operation otherwise (that resets the right bit from the value so that it doesn't affect other events like some other rebattle codes do).

    But I see that you know how to create AR codes, so you sould know that ; I think you didn't look at the codes carefuly.

  10. Alright thanks. (And darnit)

    Also a point that i am sure has been brought up. If we know how the .PKM is formatted and encoded, can we not also extract one via the GTS?

    I am working with a limited know how of the system but as i understand you for all intents and purposes send a .pkm to a server with some fiddly bits of code about trade requirements.

    Shouldn't extracting the .pkm out of this be fairly simple?

    When the encryption process is fully decrypted, that should be possible.

    I think that the final goal is to have a fully-functionnal fake GTS server that works with .pkm, that would be really great.

    could somebody help me port forward port 53? I tried the same thing i did with 80 but only 80 is open. 53 is still closed/unactivated

    Be careful, online port-checkers don't work with UDP ports.

    If you did the same thing with TCP 80 and UDP 53, there's no reason for it to fail.

  11. You're lucky then, cuz my friends and I always have a BSOD when using Platinum or HG/SS (actually, it worked once for me).

    If you can access the GTS menu when using a fake GTS server, then never send a Pokémon from the game, because you can't take it back, it'll be lost between time and space.

  12. Just registered here to say thanks for the awesome program!

    I used the GTS_Nuker to host some event pokemon for some forums and people kept reposting it so it spread like crazy!

    It all worked great except the DNS server stopped working after i was getting 100+ connections a minute.

    I must have given out at least 50,000 pokemon(no joke).

    So thanks again guys =)

    Wow, very impressive ! :o

    I'm sorry for the DNS server, it is not really made to handle a big number of requests in a short time...

    The best thing to do would be to make it working with threads, but because of UDP protocol structure, it's not as easy as TCP. :\

    Still not working for me....

    I forwarded both ports, i tested them and they seem to be open. I sued 2 different types of port checkers =(

    Any suggestions, i been trying for over a week to get this working T.T

    When the person tries to connect on the GTS they get a "you have been disconencted from the GTS,you will be taken to the counter"



    The DNS port seems to be forwarded correctly, the problem comes from HTTP 80 port.

    When you use a port checker while SendPKM.exe is running, it should receive a wrong request and show an error, like that :


    If no error is shown, then that's not your computer that receives the HTTP requests, dunno what it could be (maybe your router).

  13. Anyway, as I was saying, I succeeded. I actually expected it to kick me off the connection (but to still get the Poke), like the fan GTS site does/did. But no, I actually saw the Pokemon arrival and then was left inside the GTS and I had to disconnect like I normally would.

    I don't know if that's what should happen but I'm just letting you know..

    You're lucky then, because most of the time, I get a BSOD when trying with Platinum, Heart Gold or Soul Silver, with every unofficial GTS. :tongue:

    Diamond and Pearl work properly though.

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback. :wink:

    Hey, I have followed your steps but I cannot seem to get the TCP port 80 forwarded, or at least I think I didn't, as it did not show up when I entered my external IP address (found in the link you provided), just the port 53 part.I'm obviously trying to get the distribution to work for those not on my network. Any help is appreciated, thanks !

    To forward your ports you can use that website to help you : http://portforward.com/.

    Then, to see whether or not it was successful, test it here when SendPKM.exe is listening for connections : http://ping.eu/port-chk/ (only work for TCP ports, so you can't test your DNS UDP-53 port).

  14. "DNS server started on" only means that the socket was successfully bound on the port 53 of your computer, this is NOT the equivalent of sendpkm.py's "Please set your DS's DNS server to" (for example).

    This was more for debugging purpose actually.

    So, step by step, you must :

    - Know your external IP address, go here to have it for example

    - Launch DNS_Server.exe, and input that IP when asked

    - You are done with the DNS part, now start SendPKM.exe with a 236-byte .pkm or .bin file (you can drag and drop it on the .exe, that's much easier). It should say that it is ready and waiting for a connexion.

    That's all.

    If both UDP port 53 and TCP port 80 are forwarded and reachable from the Internet, then any person who sets your external IP as his DS's primary DNS server and connects to the GTS should receive the .pkm you chose.

    But remember that it may not work when connecting with a DS in the same network, in that case you have to replace your external IP by your computer's private IP in both DNS_Server.exe and your DS's DNS settings.

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