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  1. If specifics aren't a concern I'd ideally like an English one, that isn't a ribbon master. .pk9 format preferably. thanks in advance.
  2. Just a heads up, Palkia and Dialga are good but I think Gira might need a second look. didn't work for me.
  3. sure thing. thanks in advance.
  4. all of the shiny manaphy files I've found here will give me an error when moving to home. But I've used other files with no issue so I know that the bots not removing them.
  5. I believe it does but I don't have my 3ds to inject so I was hoping for a clone that I could just gen with a bot.
  6. Can I request a file for shiny manaphy that has home compatibility?
  7. hey, big fan of your work on the home trackers. any chance you'd have a shiny manaphy with a tracker?
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