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  1. Where in the SD card is the .sav for violet? I want to add herba mystica to my game but i dont know hiw to get the sav for pkhex
  2. Never mind, just had a look over the shiny rate modification post and it says that it increases the shiny threshold, so it would work with masuda
  3. How do the increased shiny odds work? Does it increase the amount of rolls, or change the personality values needed to trigger shiny. Because I want a shiny gyarados which cant be poke radar hunted, and if it further increases shin odds, ill use masuda
  4. I’m currently planning a team for a Renegade Platinum plauthrough, and want to use a shiny gyarados. Since it cant be pokeradar hunted, i want to masuda method it. Would the boosted 1/512 odds from Renegade combine with the boosted odds from masuda, or would I get the normal masuda shiny odds?
  5. How do i open the rom in the project? I added the rom in the startup menu but i dont know how to get the rom so i can edit it.
  6. All of the steps work, but when i try and patch the file it gives me an error saying the source file is incorrect, is there something to stop this?
  7. No this is happening after ive loaded the rom into it. Is i happening because its a rom hack and not the original game? because it is a .nds file
  8. As in the option is greyed out
  9. When i try to open the nds file system, it's blank. Is there somehting i have to do first?
  10. I'm using the pokemon black full unova dex rom hack and am trying to modify the shiny rates. All the things i find online say that i need to go to a hex editor (im using crystaltile 2) and change the bit in 00018DF0 that has 08 to FF. However, when i bring it up, i get this row: What should i do to increase the odds?
  11. Thanks a lot, just tried that and it works fine
  12. I'm trying to add a victini into my boxes on the full dex rom hack of black, but when I try and export the save from pkhex into desmume I dont have the ability to turn it into just a .sav file, it forces it into either all files or SAV5BW which my pc just turns into a generic file which cant be selected to import into desmume. Is there a way to force it into .sav so I can export the save?
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