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  1. Thank you so much for trying. I appreciate your time.
  2. Pokemon_-_Yellow_Version_-_Special_Pikachu_Edition_USA_Europe_GBCSGB_Enhanced.sav
  3. I should mention, that the game hasn't been played at all. On the title screen it just gives option for `New Game` and `Options`.
  4. I am pretty sure I have bad news. The GB Operator came in. Did a dump. The save matches the last one. I think at this point somehow the save got overwritten maybe. I'm not sure if there is any way to perform data recovery though I highly doubt it. Kinda sad. I'd pay good money to get my original save back.
  5. I got 2 day shipping on the GB Operator so won't have to wait long!
  6. Also, did I post in the wrong section? I apologize if I did.
  7. I have attached photos of the board before -> after cleaning with 91 isopropyl alcohol. If you notice i did get a different save file, but I am still getting the same error. I did compare it to what I believe to be an authentic gen 1 save file and it still doesn't look the same. I then tested the YAGB against a pokemon blue cart that still has a working battery and I get the same error when attempting to view the save file in PKHeX. So I decided to order a different cart reader. This one specifically. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me! I greatly appreciate it. I really hope I can get this save file. dump_gb.sav
  8. When opening with PKHeX i get "Binary is not compatible with save file. Current SAV Generation: 1". I opened the save in HxD and it /looks normal to me but I am not an expert. Any help/advice/tips is greatly appreciated as this is the original save off my very first cart when I was a child. The battery has not been replaced but when reading it with YAGB it /seems to still be working. dump_gb.sav
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